Thursday, October 21, 2010

8 week challengers

Austin Taylor
My goals for this challenge have involved gaining weight. Not just gaining weight but putting on good muscle. To this point I have put on five pounds, which is a huge accomplishment for me. I have had a hard time putting on weight in the past and am very happy with my progress. I would like to improve the look of my abs and will work these next for weeks on my core. Specifically I will be doing crunches until the cows come home.

Amanda Coltrin
This 8 week challenge has been a little rough for me. The first week of the challenge I started school and picked up new work hours, and was busy all day. It was something that I am not used to. It was a little rough adjusting to the new schedule and finding time to make it to the gym. I finally have started a routine that I am doing. I am cooking meals on Sunday and dividing them into Tupperware for each day of the week. This way I can take it to school and avoid the temptation of going to eat with friends. This routine is great and I am starting to find consistency with it. Last week I had surgery and I thought the recovery would be fast, and that I would return to my routine within a couple of days. However, the doctor and my body have had other plans. I was told that I had to wait at least 1 week to do any physical activity, but could be longer based on my healing. I am trying really hard to keep my diet super healthy, but it is very hard. For some reason when I am not working out, I am more tempted to take the easy way out and eat take-out or treats. I can say I do feel healthier than when I started the challenge. I do not feel a change, but I feel the change. So hopefully I will be able to kick it into full gear in the next couple of days.

Steve Randall
Cardio is still my goal, but I have changed my method to improving my cardio. I am doing ju jitsu 3-4 times per week. It is the most cardio intense thing I have ever done. Much harder then running. I want to be able to grapple for 3-5 minute rounds consecutively.

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