Thursday, October 28, 2010

8 week challenger

Megan Porter:
The 8 week challenge has been going "great" in regards to some of my goals and "OK" with others. I started working with a trainer twice a week in the middle of the day to mix things up a bit. This has continued to motivate me with working out 5 days a week regardless of how tired I am. It's very difficult to get motivation to work out after business travel and long days at work but I've seemed to manage. I've surprised myself by dropping soda all together, I'm going on 4 weeks without a diet coke. I can't believe how the cravings just disappear and after the headaches finally went away I was feeling great. Knowing that the 8 week challenge was still going on I decided to organize a group of girls for a boot camp every Saturday morning that has proven to be very rewarding. Each week we have more girls that show up and we each motivate to push each other one step further. I haven't attempted to run a 5k yet in under 25 minutes. I'm enjoying this challenge and continue to work towards what's going to make me happier and healthier.

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