Tuesday, October 26, 2010

8 week challengers

Drew Cavner
Halfway through the challenge everybody. The biggest success that I have had up to this point would be me cutting out the fast food. Even though I would never really eat or splurge on fast food one meal every now and then can throw you off your routine. I'm always on the run and busy with work so it was always the quickest easiest solution. I now make most of my meals before I go to bed and are ready to be eaten the next day. You will ALWAYS get the best results if you incorporate healthy diet with consistent workouts. The main thing that I feel I haven't done so well up to this point is my workouts. With having two jobs and trying to operate a business I find it very hard to have time for myself, let alone time for the gym. The last thing I think about when I get home at night is the gym. For the next 4 weeks I will make an extreme effort to make it to the gym 4 times a week. It doesn't matter if I'm only there for an hour, I will get something done! Congrats to everyone so far and keep up the good work!

Taylor Johnson
This 8 week challenge is my first and I have been working on being consistent. I have had success with eating better and controlling my meal portions. I used to be about 30 pounds heavier and it was due to physical inactivity and poor eating habits. I changed my eating habits and balanced my life. My goal now is to implement consistency in my exercise. I have gone running a couple of times, but in general I would like to improve in this area the most.

Breann Johnson
The 8 week challenge has come in a time when I am extremely busy. I am currently acting in a play and I am busy every night of the week. Exercise in the form of dance is done regularly and it ties into my passion. I am getting the exercise in many different forms, but having the 8 week challenge has helped in regards to eating better. I watch my portions and feel I improve daily. I am enjoying myself, even though at times my schedule is completely swamped. I want to continue improving and focus on living life to the fullest.

Mark Pittard
So the first half of my eight week challenge has been going ok. I
have improved on my strength and cardio, but still need to work on the
mid section. My next four weeks is going to be alot more running along
with strengthing my core. When I do my weights im going to do more
reps with less weight.

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