Monday, October 25, 2010

Seasons change

Scott Schwab:

With the changing in seasons, it is a good time to change our mentality. As seasons change our health can change as well. Everything from our desire to get out and exercise to the way that we choose to eat. Being aware of the change is only half of the battle. Taking action is the only way to set in motion the right habits for success.

Because our health is so much based on consistency, we must look at the change of weather, as an opportunity to do different workouts, but still maintain our desire to stay healthy. It is a fact that this time of year people start working out less and eating more. Credit the natural bodies instinct to begin preparing for winter. As the weather gets cold, your body will start holding on to more fat to protect the body.

Combat the cave mentality

The cave mentality, is the desire to stay in and hibernate. Staying in has the potential for much more sitting around, and snacking that will take our bodies in the opposite direction of fitness. The way that we combat this, is to find hobbies and reasons for getting out. The other way is to avoid the cupboards full of cookies and treats. Learn to snack healthily. Choose things that you enjoy, but limit the calories and fat. With all of the family events and gatherings, there will be plenty of food to eat. Avoid the justification that you will do better later.

Seek improvement not perfection

I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect in what I eat or always getting to the gym. However, I always try to improve, which has helped me avoid some of the pitfalls I used to be apart of. For example, I used to put ranch on everything and the portion was not just a little dab. I also could slam a whole bag of Oreo's in one sitting. Based on how I felt afterwards, and the continual set backs, I had to make the decision to change. I cannot pretend like I know your food weaknesses or temptations. I can tell you though, that as you identify your weaknesses and set a plan to overcome them, that you will succeed. It has to be important to you and a focus that you will maintain.

Focus on the goal

The goals for each person are different in relation to what they want to succeed. Just like anything though, you must make it a priority. If you want to avoid a consistent weight over the holidays, don't allow yourself to go crazy during these next months. Knowing that the body will be looking for extra fat and sugar to store, be careful with the decisions that you make in relation to food. It is also cold and getting out is not as easy. This may be a time to get a gym membership or bundle up and brave the weather. However, keep the focus on what you want to accomplish, and how you are going to succeed. It requires a plan and most of all consistency. Make your days count!

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