Friday, April 9, 2010

Track Your Workouts

Chandi Schwab
I was trying to think of something beneficial to write on today and decided to write about tracking your workouts. It is one thing to work out every day just for the sake of working out to get it out of the way, and another to really feel the burn. If you are going to put the time into working out, why not really make it worth it? The only way you can really know if you are getting a good workout is by competing against yourself. Each time you do a specific workout push yourself to the limit and record it on paper or in your mind so the next time you do it you can push yourself to improve. Even if you do just a little bit better it will add up in the end and you will find yourself so much stronger and faster in just a few weeks.

It is also beneficial to have your workout planned out at least a day in advance so that you know you have a plan to stick to. Otherwise you may find yourself wandering around aimlessly wasting time trying to figure out what to do next. If you don't commit yourself to anything you won't have anything to follow through with. This can result in wasted time and no positive results.

I always track my runs whether on my Nike tracker or on the treadmill. I try to beat my times and push myself harder each time. I have a time to beat with different distances, it keeps it motivating and I am always feeling the burn at the end. I do the same with my other workouts.

If you fall short with a personal goal you have set for a certain day it is okay because at least you know you pushed yourself and you can aim to beat it the next time. Do it! You will feel so much better and effective.

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