Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Worry Be Happy

Scott Schwab

Today as I worked out and other days that I have tried to push it, I have noticed at times that it looks as though I went swimming in my clothes. I will be honest with you, I think I have hyperactive sweat glands that feel like I am showering rather then sweating. I believe that in the minds of many there is a resistance to wanting to sweat or getting to the point that you may look smelly. Whatever the reason for not wanting to sweat, I thought that I would post on some of the benefits of getting the sweat flowing. So the next time somebody looks at you like "oh my gosh, look at that person, it looks like they just took a bath in their own sweat, gross!", you can simply smile and give them a hug so you can share the love. We also need to realize that there is a difference between sweat and odor. Though sweat can cause odor, sweating will not necessarily make you smell. This may be one of those things that holds us back from truly giving it all we got because we don't want to sweat or we don't want to stink. Both vital concerns, but if you can get to the point where you really do not care what others think and plan ahead with your hygiene you have nothing to worry about. However, being that we are exercising I think that it is acceptable to have a little of both.

Benefits of a good sweat

- cooling the body down

- evidence that you are working your body

- the release of toxins from your body

- perspiration keeps skin soft and pores clean

Benefits of exercise

- exercise(which produces sweat), can help with a good night sleep

- relieves symptoms of depression

- immune function and reduced stress levels

Remember it is not always important to push yourself to exhaustion. I know that it is popular to wear the rubber suits and really get the sweat flowing. If that is something that you do, monitor it closely because it actually can get to the point of fatigue and dehydration. Losing heat takes energy. This energy comes from the activity of your sweat glands; millions of these glands are lying just under the skin and use metabolic energy to secrete sweat. This energy is drained from the total energy you have at your command to do the work of your body. Your muscles have to share in this energy in order to be able to function properly.

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