Wednesday, April 28, 2010

8 week challenger Sam Woods

If you are trying to figure out which is the 'before' pic and which is the 'after', don't worry. I did the same thing. The first 4 weeks were great, the last 4 were not. But my 5k and 10k run times are faster. Wished I would have dropped 10 more pounds to get to my ideal race weight, but it is still early in the season and the 8 week challenge gave me a great head start, no doubt. From here I am taking a page out of Scott's playbook and focusing on the inputs(food and bevs) as much or more as the outputs(exercise). Thanks for the motivation, Mixers!!!! You guys look Amazing!


  1. Great work Sam!I can definitely see a diference. Way to go!

  2. Dear Mixers,
    Ok, so I have a serious question. I know this sounds totally nuts, but what in soda makes it so bad? If you compare it to various juices, or flavored milks even, they all have the same amount of sugar/calories. I've been trying to totally eliminate soda from diet (I haven't had any in over a week) but it's a little depressing to see that juice is really no better than pop. I need some motivation!:O) Thanks so much!
