Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keep the heads ringing

Scott Schwab:

I was thinking about the time that we spend in our workout regiment and as I am a people watcher, I have noticed something that I thought was worth passing on. As we go to the gym it seems like you have 3 types of people. The first is those who will go to the gym and look for what they want to do that day. This can also include those who will watch others and try and repeat what they see. The second group are those who are there for a definite purpose and reason. They go with the knowledge of the muscle group that they are going to work that day and just flat out get it done. The final group are those think that what they do everyday is best for them. Each day there is little to no variety and this usually consists of the cardio carnivores.

1st Group

As for those in the first group, if we find ourselves here, we simply need to plan our time. Rather then just attending the gym or going there to fill an open slot, we must treat it like an event. Treat this time as it is one of the most important things of your day, because it is. By doing exercise and weights we will create opportunity to strengthen not only our body, but our mind, our will, and our satisfaction.

2nd Group

This group usually understands their bodies and the fact the muscle confusion, is the best thing that you can introduce to a regiment if you are consistent. The benefit of muscle confusion, is that your body is always having to adjust. It helps with exercise burnout and disinterest in what you are doing. It also will help your body respond faster then just doing the same thing day after day. Our bodies get used to the things that we present it with and will stop pushing the muscles and stimulating the muscle groups. With no muscle stimulation there is not as much release of endorphins as well as testosterone, which promotes fat loss at an increased rate.

3rd Group

Our final group is not necessarily a bad place to be, but if you can harness your energy into trying different things, it will make you more diverse in what you can expect from your body. It will also get you over the hump that sometimes occurs when you are doing this and doing that and have seen no results. Frustration and stress can actually put our bodies in a state where loosing weight will not happen. This is one reason that muscle confusion is so important. I have attached a link below for additional reading on muscle confusion and its importance.


For any routine to work you actually could have a mixture of these three groups. The most important thing, is to have a plan, mix up your workouts, and learn to love what you are doing. There are a plethora of workouts on the blog and there are hundreds of others online. If you need any suggestions we are more then willing to write something up for you, meet you at the gym and work out with you, or give you advice with where to start your searching.

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