Scott Schwab:
Welcome back to all those that traveled for the holidays. I am sure that many of you, like me, ate your fair share of food. I noticed something when I was displaying my lack of discipline at an all time high. Before the week, I had been very disciplined and avoided the high fructose sugar, and foods high in sugar. What I noticed was a surprise that I wanted to pass on and help everyone avoid. I have about a half of dozen canker sores in my mouth and the way I felt over the course of the Holiday was not good. I am ashamed to admit that I didn't work out once. It was more because I had no energy than not having it available to me. All I wanted to do was sleep, and I attribute that to my lack of working out and the unhealthy foods I was eating. I also found myself not being able to say no to the pies and other goodies that were constantly in front of me. It was a battle in my mind and each time I lost. I thought, its, not that big of a deal, it is one piece. One piece turned into a piece about every 2 hours though. I was really annoyed because I love to work out and exercise but truly had no motivation. It came down to this; the way I was feeling after I ate pie resulted in a mixture of a sick feeling and not feeling like I had any fuel for my body. I changed very little in other areas and that is why the culprit is sugar in my mind. I know that eating well, gives you a satisfied feeling both mentally and physically. There is a message sent to the brain as one eats that will confirm whether the food is nourishing and healthy for you. Sometimes people feel guilt or regret after eating certain foods. It starts in the brain and as a result is sent to the body. For me I learned a valuable lesson. If I had made the decision to eat better and indulge a little, but set the amount, I would have been able to have more success with eating and exercising. The other thing I learned is that you can always start fresh. Everything is habit and now that I am back at home, I am getting back into my schedule. We don't have the goodies laying around on purpose. We also set our exercise in the morning so that it is planned and one of the fist things we do. Also I am now motivated by the 8 week challenge that starts today. Forget about last week and move forward, remember "Adventure is out there."