Monday, November 29, 2010

Gotta Start Somewhere

Chandi Schwab

I was a pretty active girl growing up because I was involved in different activities. I didn't have to worry about what I ate because it all pretty much evened out. Our metabolisms work so much better when we are young right?

It wasn't until I got pregnant with with my first child that it all changed.Life was busy as newly weds, I was in cosmetology school, and worked most nights at a call center. Scott was really busy too, and we didn't spend much time preparing meals. I was usually eating on the run and grabbing whatever I could find. Women at school told me that they had gained quite a bit of weight with their pregnancies so when the scale went up I just figured it was normal.

After I gave birth to my first baby reality soon set in. I looked at pictures such as this one and couldn't believe how different I looked. This was motivating enough to get back out there and get active again. It took awhile to find balance after many yo yo diets and get thin quick ideas. I realized that I wasn't going to get anywhere unless I made realistic approaches.

I share this story because it is where my healthy lifestyle journey began. It started with wanting to lose weight because of how I looked, but I soon discovered that how I felt was the greatest reason to continue on. I have slowly made improvements in my healthy lifestyle throughout the years since then and have also had two additional pregnancies. My pregnancies went so much better with the healthy approach and the deliveries were unbelievably improved.

Our bodies are pretty amazing and if we treat them right we will discover that our potential is endless! There is a huge misconception that drastic changes can be made over night. That's why so many people give up is because results aren't delivered quick enough. Please take what I am about to say to heart.

A TRUE HEALTHY AND BALANCED LIFESTYLE TAKES TIME. I have been working on mine for 6 years and have so many areas still to improve on. But look how far I have come. THAT'S WHAT IT 'S ALL ABOUT.

So set realistic goals one at a time and gradually add to them or make them more challenging. It can be so exciting because the possibilities are endless, and you won't ever look back with regrets because you will be pleased with what you have accomplished. You will be healthier, happier, and more confident. We started this blog because we are passionate about helping people get back on the band wagon. We all fall off here and there throughout life, but if we focus on always getting back on, WE WILL NOT FAIL. None of us are perfect...and we don't have to be to see success. Join us in our next 8 week challenge. It starts on Friday, December 3rd. leave a comment if you would like to join!


  1. great post. yeah you look a little bit different in the prego picture. I'm glad you were able to post those two pics on here. i'm sure it will inspire a lot of people.

  2. You truly are inspiring. It DOES take time. That's why it's so hard.
