Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Do what you always do?

Scott Schwab:
Have you ever heard the quote that if you do what you have always done you will always get the same results. Furthermore, if we do the same things in the same way, we will miss possible points for improvement, appreciation for the process, and advancements for growth and opportunity.
We see this in the business world all to often. "If it isn't broke then you shouldn't fix it". We have all heard this, but have also seen that businesses that are resistant to change, eventually start seeing the affects of lack of improvement, advancement, and opportunity. Think of this from the eyes of an individual. Relate this to you in your life.
Comfort is great and there is satisfaction with familiarity. However, growth usually comes through exertion, challenge, and thinking out of the box. Whether the box is your mind or a situation, the challenges we face in our lives, will most likely require us to get creative. Creativity will foster growth, opportunity, appreciation, and most apparently advancement.
I use the example of a person that brushes their teeth with the same hand everyday. Yes it is comfortable, but after awhile you don't even think, you just do. Though there are advantages to muscle memory, doing the same thing day in and day out can prevent the growth and opportunity.
Try for a couple days to eat with your opposite hand, fold clothes a different way, hang clothes opposite to what you do. As you do this you will start noticing things that you didn't before. Change your pattern of thinking and the patterns will change you. Look for different ways to do things. You may be doing things most effectively, but doing things in different ways will help you grow and learn new things about yourself. Plus this is a good remedy to help you see if you are anal retentive or O.C.D.(obsessive compulsive disorder), about certain things.
For me all my clothes have to hang the same way in my closet. Furthermore they have to be color-coordinated and hanging so as I push them to the right(my prominent hand), I see the front of the shirt. I found that as I tried some new things, that it really got me stressed. I finally had to think, "really rain man", you need to relax. Though I have not converted completely to a different way of doing, I have seen more effective ways to do things and improve my development of self. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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