Saturday, November 20, 2010

8 week Challenge Results


Sam Woods


-190 lbs (204 lbs starting weight)
-50% reduction in refined sugars
-4 weekly workouts

*I did not challenge myself. No after picture this time because there haven't been any changes, I'm sorry to report. I got caught up in meetings and minutia and didn't take care of myself. I look forward to redeeming myself in the next 8 week challenge.


Megan Porter

1- Work out 5 days a week for at least 3 days of cardio and 2 days of weight training
2- Get up early on Saturdays (This is hard for me :-)
3- Clean out the apartment with all unneeded junk
4- Run a 5k under 25 minutes
5- Drink only 1 diet coke a day and at least 8 bottles of water

*It's crazy how fast 8 weeks comes and goes. It's funny how when I want to work out or set a fitness goal I think in my mind that 8 weeks is definitely doable, I mean it's 8 WEEKS! But then life gets in the way. I would get home and think how tired I was and the last thing I wanted to do was workout. Plus there seemed to always be church responsibilities, book clubs, dinners and everything else during the week. But with this 8 week challenge it was so great being able to see so many other people reaching for their own goals and getting their updates from the blog. The thing I liked most about the 8 week challenge was that it wasn't just about fitness, it was framed to be about happiness and not only being physically healthy but mentally as well. I reached almost all of my goals. I timed my first 5k since starting the challenge and ran it in 24 minutes!! I just signed up for New York half marathon in March which will be my 4th half marathon. With my new start of no soda and a great running pattern I'm hoping to beat my all time record. After 6 weeks I'm still not drinking Diet Coke and I feel fantastic! I'm hoping with the next challenge I will have less work travel and more time to focus on bigger goals now that my first 8 week challenge has proven to be successful.


Steve Randall

*Goals: my goal this 8 week challenge is purely cardiovascular, I grew up with very bad asthma so I always avoided cardio based activities. It is time to stop with the excuses and get some cardio so I can actually train Jiu Jitsu and Run without being gassed out within 10 minutes! right now It takes me about 23 minutes to run 2 miles on a treadmill (pathetic, I know) my goal in this 8 weeks is to be able to run 2 miles in 17 minutes.

I started having knee pain at the beginning of the 8 week challenge as i was running, so i changed up my method of improving my cardio and that was by simply attending jiu jitsu classes a few times per week (which are extremely cardio intense!) I went from really struggling with my breathing halfway through rounds to being able to complete rounds which was a huge improvement for me. I injured my Trapezius at the gym and right after i recovered from that i got sick so i missed a few weeks of gym time (and for anyone that knows me, thats not easy for me to do, grr) Luckily i did not lose any strength and have actually made some big improvements in my back. I went from being able to do maybe 3 good pullups to doing about 8, I use to not be able to do any! This 8 week challenge was overall a success, its a shame i will not be able to participate in any more challenges but its for a good reason, on December 15 I will be entering the MTC and will be preparing to serve in the Marshall Islands Majuro Mission. I will still exercise out there, but i will have to get super creative because I wont have access to a gym or weights! Big thanks to Scott and Chandi for their support and for this site! Keep up the good work everyone

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