Monday, November 8, 2010

Down to my last

Scott Schwab:

As we go through the last week of this 8 week challenge, there should be some reflection on what went well and what can be improved upon. You know what things you did well with and the moments of possible weakness. If you are able to identify the times of weakness or moments where you were not as successful, you have a pattern of how to improve. Most of the reasons that people do not continually improve, is they are unwilling to look at times when they did not succeed.

Success is really just failure turned inside out. So if we want to succeed, the most important thing is to fail. Yes, fail. We learn and grow through the times that we do not succeed as much or more then the times that we succeed. In the face of challenge or disappointment, do not accept your fate, Change it! We change by looking at what we currently do and making incremental changes.

Whether you are finishing the 8 week challenge or you are a reader for the first week, do these things this week.

#1 Reflect on what you have done well and areas for improvement as it relates to health.

#2 Write a detailed plan of ways that you can improve.

#3 Make the goals/plan visible and think of them often

#4 Get to work, leave the excuses and reasons behind you

#5 Make the lifestyle change that will support your desired goal

Much can be done in one week of work. It is the start, the continuance, and the establishment of your future. Reflection is a key component to success in anything, so spend some time and use that brain of yours. Holding ourselves accountable must happen and allows for progression. You cannot progress though unless you know the detailed list of the expectations. Whatever you think about most or keep in your mind, are the things that you will do, accomplish, and ultimately become. Choose wisely about the things that you keep in your mind. Finally any change worth making, takes a change of lifestyle proportions. Make health and fitness your lifestyle, rather then an event. You will have more success in less time.

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