Thursday, November 18, 2010

8 Week Challenger Results


Mackenzie Peterson

To be a happier, more caring, patient, more positive, kinder, more spiritual, healthier, SLIMMER... mama, wife, daughter, friend and all in all person!!! I just want to be healthy and completely enjoy living life to the fullest!!

*To be honest this challenge flew by! I thought when I first started, that 8 weeks sounded like forever. I am pretty happy with my results and accomplishing my goals. I am very proud of myself for sticking with it. I tried really hard to be the happiest I could be everyday. I worked on my patience, and tried to have as much as possible when dealing with my 2 year old. I tried to see the positive things in every situation. (Which is not easy) I read the Ensigns and a book about Emma Smith to gain more knowledge and help spiritually. I really just wanted to start being a better person. I have things to work on, but I guess it will always be a work in progress. When I went to bed at night and felt discouraged I started telling myself ONE DAY AT A TIME, TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY TO START FRESH. I have really struggled loosing the weight from baby #2 (Not having a gal bladder this time around doesn't help!!) But I am excited that I lost 1 almost 2 pant sizes. I feel good and want to keep working on it. I'm so glad that I participated in this challenge and hope to stay on the right track through the holidays.


Scott Schwab

Each summer as I have gone out traveling and selling, my focus has been trying to maintain good health. I find though at the end of each summer some muffins that develop on my side and back of my core. This must stop.
1. Say no to muffins (back fat).
2. Mentally prepare myself to be a better leader
3. Begin the study and learning of a new language (Chinese)
4. Serve in the community (pay it forward)
5. Be in Triathlon shape and form (cardiovascular)
6. Eat slower and control portion sizes

*The challenge has gone well. It has been a constant battle with my inner pig, but feel that for the most part it was a success. The muffins have been reduced in size, but they are still alive and well. Preparing myself to be a leader has been debatable. I feel that I am a better person and continually seek to lead others, but whether I am effective, depends on results. I started to study Chinese and have found it to be daunting. It will take me many challenges to learn it, but I feel good going forward. Serving in the community was a lot of fun. Chandi and I went to the rescue mission and served one Saturday night, which was a great experience. I did run a sprint triathlon, but it was in the gym, so results may have varied if I was outdoors. I did post a time of 1 hour and 15 minutes which I was happy about. Finally my portion sizes have reduced, but only when I am consciously thinking about it. I do not eat slower and will need to work on that again. All in all, there was improvement, I did enjoy myself, and I feel like I can do better next time.


17 months ago (June 2009)

After the last 8 week challenge


Chandi Schwab

1. Read at least 1 book
2. Make something crafty for our home
3. Paint Baseboards in basement
4. More spiritual balance 1/2 hr each day
5. Be able to swim a mile
6. 5K under 21 minutes
7. Run 20 miles

*I am so glad that I had a more well rounded challenge this time around. Believe it or not the last thing I accomplished on the list was the baseboards downstairs, and that probably never would have gotten done. I read 3 books; one spiritual, another about being at peace with ourselves and others, and one to help give me more advanced training for a marathon. I did make a craft for our home, I wish I did that more often. I set aside spiritual time each day which is very important to me. These were all great because they are things that I really wanted to make time for.

I don't think I made too much progress in my physical changes as far as how I look, but I made great progress with my goals. I got the mile swim out of the way in the beginning.I started swimming a few months ago and that was a big goal of mine, I really love it now and want to improve my speed. When I did my 20 mile run I wanted to get it in before it got too cold. But of course the day I planned it for it had snowed over night and all the way through my 12th mile. The run went surprisingly well except I did something to my foot and haven't been able to run much since so that has been frustrating. I was still able to time my 5k and got 20:47 so just made it by 13 seconds. If I could have done anything differently I would have trained better for the 20 miler and not have jumped right into it, because I have payed for it with my foot. So learn from my mistakes:)
It has been a great opportunity to keep these challenges going. The fact that we organize them helps me to stick to my commitment even more because I can't let you all down. I posted my first 8 week challenge before picture to show that it takes time to make changes that will last. It is all about a lifestyle change and continually setting goals and getting back on track. So Thank you! And keep up the great work!


Brittney Schwab

1. Start my day with a protein shake and vitamins

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

3. Do the master cleanse

4. Do 1 workout class and 4 workouts per week

5. Spend 1 day per week doing no homework. Relaxation with the family

*I was a slacker at first, then I got sick, then I got my act together. I ate more vegetables, took my vitamins, drank my protein shake, made time for "ONLY" my family 3-4 days a week. I learned how to balance and manage my study time and my family a lot better. As for the working out. I was not the best. The last few weeks of the challenge I decided that I needed more then just a workout class so I went a little more extreme. I started P90X. I am a week into it and loving it. I have lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks because I have been tougher on my workouts, eating right and limiting my sugar and treat intake. During this challenge I have learn a lot more about myself. I am grateful for doing it and look forward to the next challenge. Thanks Scott and Chandi for doing this for us.

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