Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1st 8 week challenge results post


Austin Taylor

I reached my goal of gaining 10 lbs.With the help of great supplements and hard work at the gym I was able to make this happen.There is always room for improvement but I have enjoyed hitting the weights and using it as a source to release stress and be healthier.


Arielle Taylor
I doubt many people want to read about my failures, so I am apologizing in advance for this post. This eight week challenge has definitely been my most difficult. I guess I am finally getting a taste of what “being busy” really means! Let’s just say that these past few months consisted of me trying my best to manage the little time I had. It has actually been kind of frustrating that I haven’t had as much time to work out as I have had in the past. Working out and making an effort to maintain healthy habits have always been a part of who I am.
But I don’t look back and think of myself as a failure. In fact I am really proud of how much I have accomplished in such little time. At the beginning of my semester in school I wrote out a list of goals for myself. It did not include any health improvement goals, but instead had things on it like decide my major, get a job, and strive to put others before myself. I could have never guessed what these last few months were to bring to me, or that I would be learning the lessons that I’ve learned, but I am different person because of it. I am a better person. Most times people experience subtle changes in their lives, not even realizing that those changes are taking place. I have been blessed to recognize leaps and bounds of personal growth. I decided a major, I have a job, and I’m keeping up in my school work, making friends, and most importantly discovering myself and setting more goals! That is key. No matter what, no one is done learning and growing. I think the most important lesson I have learned during this last eight week challenge is that I will constantly seek to improve mentally, physically, and spiritually and that I need to always set goals so I can maintain that growth. Now for my next eight week challenge I’ll just have to make the right goals for my health maintenance…


Adam Nitschke

Heavy Wight Train 5 Days
Little to No Cardio
1. Lose 8-10LBS of Body Fat
2. Gain 5+LBS of Muscle
3. Get Rid of Love Handles!!!!!!!!!!
4. Hard Run 4 days Light Run 2 Days
5. Heavy Wight Train 6 Days

*After about 3 weeks in the challenge I lost my work out partner and lost focuses of my goals I’m very disappointed in myself as I am in the same place as I started the challenge. But this failure has only inspired me to move forward with my goals if I hadn’t ben a part of this challenge I may not have failed forward and just let my goals get forgotten as soon as I send this I am off to the gym. Even though I did not do well reaching my goals the end of this challenge has given me a new wind. I look forward to being in the next challenge and If I am invited being more motivated and motivating. Thank you Scott for letting me be a part of this challenge.


Drew Cavner

Goals Obtained:
went from 220 at 13% body fat to 205 9% body fat.
goal was to get at least 4 days in the gym at least
goal was to do cardio at least 3 hours a week
goal was to get 8 hours of sleep a night

For this 8 week challenge I took a different approach. I did a lot more reps and slightly lighter weight. I wanted to see if I could push my level of muscular endurance up a notch. For anyone looking to get in great cardiovascular shape AND build muscle I still recommend doing some heavy bag work. Although it may be foreign to you, the heavy bag can really tire you out and help build and increase stabilizers muscles, and stabilizer muscle strength. Plyometrics are great exercises that don't even necessarily need weight, just core strength and stability. Remember people, it's all about functional strengths and functional movements. If you can bench press 500 lbs and squat a 1,000, but can't move.....there is no point!


Amanda Coltrin
In this 8 week challenge i didn't reach all my original goals. I would have loved to but i came across a few set backs. Not being able do a full work out for about 4 weeks was really frustrating and it kept me from reaching my physical goals. During those four weeks i reached my other goals. I Read a lot, i made it through 4 books in 4 weeks all while going to school full time and working in the evenings. I learned how to manage my time which was one of my biggest goals. I set aside specific times each day to the work out that i could and time to read. I never thought that managing my time and making time to work out and read would actually make me less stressed and all together a happier person. I worked a lot towards setting a healthy diet :) i finally have a diet down that is good for me and not too expensive or time consuming. All together i think this 8 week challenge was a success for me. I learned a lot about myself and how to make the best of what is thrown your way. I am going to continue with my 8 week challenge and extend it to the end of the year.

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