Sunday, February 1, 2009

No Excuses

From personal experience excuses have been nothing but negative and counterproductive. An excuse is usually a way that people justify failure. When a person approaches me and they tell me that they don't have time to eat healthy, I look at that as an excuse. Don't get me wrong, I know people have crazy work, school, and life schedules these days, but is that really an excuse to have bad eating habits. I personally believe that it is just a matter of organization. Here are just a few little tips that anyone can use in their everyday life to keep themselves from eating unhealthy.

Designate 1 to 3 hours a week preparing meals for the week. I'm a huge advocate of cooking meals about an hour before I go to bed, that's a time where i'm usually watching TV or doing something very unproductive anyways. Rather than cooking huge meals, just make healthy snacks that will keep you from eating fast food throughout the day while you're at work or school. Hardboil 24 to 36 eggs so that whenever you feel the urge to snack on something unhealthy you have a very lean alternative that is filled with protein. They can be refrigerated for weeks, and you can carry them around whenever/wherever you want.

Chicken breast and rice is another very tasty/cheap healthy substitute. Grill 10 to 12 chicken breast and make 10 to 12 cups of brown rice. This should last you a good 3 to four days. split up the rice and chicken breasts into tupperware and eat them as either meals or snacks. (1 chicken breast with 1 cup or brown rice/2 chicken breast with 2 cups of brown rice) If you want to spice up the semi-boring meal, add egg whites and hot sauce to your rice, or add some type of seasoning to your chicken breast.

Always have 1 or 2 protein drinks already made in your fridge at all times. This will help It takes about two minutes to mix your protein into water/ shaker cup, it's not that hard!

Fat free cottage cheese. This is a great lean alternative that you can eat whenever you want. It's great because it has time released protein so it is a very popular snack before bedtime. Mixing sunflower seeds in it tastes great, too!

These are just a few tips out of many that we are hoping you will enjoy! Try it out and let us know what you think!


  1. I will try it and let you guys know. I find myself usually searching for good healthy snacks and unfortunately choosing something fast over healthy. With pre-making my meals this will be something that will help. Thanks for the tips.

  2. What a great idea and a great way to save time.I love cottage cheese too!
