Today I wanted to write and introduce all of you to our first guest blogger. He is a very good friend and has taught me just about everything that I know. Sam Woods has been involved in health and nutrition for about the past 15 years. As we grew up Sam wrestled, played football, and became and avid runner. Since graduation and college he has taken on other adventures that truly set him apart. I personally was interested in having him post his experiences with marathons and triathalons. He and his wife Anne are great examples of a couple that encourages and helps eachother with health and fitness objectives. Tomorrow will be the first post of hopefully many, and will give us some insight on how to train for a marathon or triathalon. Specifics that one should eat, a schedule that is easy to follow, and possibly some hints to stay in shape and maintain a healthy figure. Sam currently resides in Columbus Ohio and attends Ohio State. He is pursuing a Masters degree, juggles a beautiful, growing family, and is very involved in civic, state, and political forums. He enjoys to read books, spend time with family, and of course improve his health through anything from raquetball to swimming. He is someone who I look up to very much and would love to learn anything possible that could help in any area of my life, but especially health. This is why we have asked Sam to share with us the things that he is doing so that we can learn and possibly implement those things that will help us all to be more healthy. Additionally we have received feedback from our female readers, who are looking to know the benefits of supplements, good excercises for mothers and future mothers, and healthy food and dieting tips to help with energy and weight management. We will begin our posts to our female readers starting next Saturday. Each Saturday we will have a post that is focused to women and helpful hints for their health. On a final note we have decided that we would find a motto that might be helpful to describe our goals and give motivation. "Live Healthy, Live Free". The motto represents our feelings on the importance of health and our passion for life. It is proven that in any instance, living healthy is more beneficial than living otherwise. We believe that through maintining a healthy lifestyle, one can live free from many of the problems that exsist in our society. It is true that bad things happen even to those who are most healthy. However; most of the time those who are healthy have been able to enjoy life to the fullest and through their healthy lifestyle have often overcome the odds. Begin today to eliminate high risk living and implement new ways to be more healthy and happy. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.
By the way Sam is the swimmer in the middle with the light blue cap on his head.