Some of you may notice that even though you have been working out for days you aren't seeing the results you desire. It can be discouraging. I love to to run!It is something I feel comfortable with and a great way for me to relieve stress. I used to just run the same speed for 6 miles every day.I felt great, but wasn't noticing too many changes in my body physically. I finally experimented with some advice I had heard many times but failed to try. Running in intervals helps to burn more calories and works your muscles in different ways. For instance, changing your speed throughout your run.Starting out with a nice jog and then turn it into a run followed by a light sprint and then make your way back down. Throw in a couple of hard sprints also. You will definitely feel like you got more of a workout.If you find yourself doing the same workout everyday try to mix it up a little. If you normally use the elliptical try a cycling class or kickboxing class. There are so many forms of excercise... it is important to expand our options.Our bodies will react quicker and we won't get bored and stuck in the same old routine.
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