Saturday, September 10, 2011

Whip it good

Scott Schwab:
The song "whip it good" by devo comes to mind when thinking about the workout that I am going to suggest right now. It will whip your backside into shape and quickly. This set of exercises can be done all in one day if you desire or can be completed in a week for great results as well.

Running stairs:
Running stairs is one exercise that truly will work your entire body. Even walking stairs has considerable benefits. Looking at the exercise in slow motion you work your calf muscles and it extends up into the hamstrings and into the quad muscles. The benefit continues into the hips the butt and the core (depending on how quickly you run). Pumping your arms will allow for a good shoulder, chest and arm workout. If you want to push it into overdrive, take some light dumbbells and pump those.

I am such a fan of swimming. I am not a swimmer by nature, but it is the best workout no matter how in shape or out of shape you are. If you don't know how to swim, just give it a shot. It is great for joints and the best workout for lungs and endurance. Between your laps you can walk back and forth. Access to a pool may be difficult, so if you don't have access to a pool, find a lake and a wet suit. I am serious about how many benefits come from swimming. You will notice as you swim a stronger and more in shape you all around.

Bear Crawl:
This exercise is definitely a funny looking exercise, but the effects really are great for the body. As you hunch over on your arms, your weight is on your shoulders, chest and back. The fact that your butt is in the air and you are driving with your legs, really strengthens your backside muscles and down into your legs. Speed is not essential, but the faster you go the more you will work your body. This exercise you can do at home, at work, at school. Well maybe not, but find a 20 yard stretch and give it a shot.

Push ups:
I love push ups and believe that you can incorporate a lot of exercises that give a whole body workout. The first thing to do, is to decide on the amount that you want to do. Put that number on your mirror so that no matter the number, you have all day to do it. I used to do a lot of push ups and sometimes I would just drop and do 20 so by the end of the day I achieved my goal. Even if you are doing something else at the gym or even running, try and do push ups everyday and I promise results! Also try push ups with your feet on an elevated surface. Try push ups between chairs, put your upper body on an elevated surface. Try to spread your shoulder width in and out so you feel all of the different muscles that you can work by only doing push ups.

Scissor kicks. Lay flat on your back and slightly raise your head and your feet. Keep your butt on the ground and start kicking up and down. Do that an established number of times and then do in and out kicks. Again just the different motion will really work your core in different ways. Try and do 4 or 5 reps and this is a workout once again you can do anywhere and can be done multiple times in a week.

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