Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Get to work

Scott Schwab:
Now that we have Labor Day out of the way, it is time to get to work. For me, I found myself eating like there was no end to my stomach. Everything in site, and it really didn't matter what. However, Sunday morning around 2 am, I paid for it hardcore. I have never had my stomach in such knots. Despite not getting any sleep, there were other complications that made it difficult for my family to sleep, and just generally thinking that I might just pass out because of being so uncomfortable.
Anyway, I lived and am better for it. I contribute the feeling to a weekend of having no control and eating way to much sugar. I still am feeling a little fatigued and I am trying to find the desire to get back on the exercise train, which currently seems to be going faster than my little legs will waddle. I found that the downward spiral effected my thoughts about more consumption and as far as getting out to do any type of exercise; forget about it.
This is perfect timing for me and for you. I really may just be able to avoid sugar for good now, if I can just remember my bout with the toilet early Monday morning. By doing the 8 week challenge that starts Monday, that will take us to the time right before Thanksgiving. That way we can all be in shape for the Holidays, fall family pictures, and reverse the effects of hibernation. By having a good fall, we will have a better winter with less weight gained. Less weight gained in the winter will lead into a great spring and translate into our best summer ever.
Weight gain and weight loss, takes time. If you don't agree, look at what has happened to Drew in Drew's Journey. I firmly believe that after he completes his 6 months of eating whatever and not exercising, that he will be so motivated to get back to himself. Lets all find our own motivation and get into a position of health and fitness that is lasting. Find your reasons, because nobody can tell you to do, what you are not willing to do and have not already made the decision to do. The 8 week challenge will begin on Monday the 12th with a cleanse of your choice. Let us know if you are joining the competition.

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