Thursday, September 15, 2011

Time for change

Scott Schwab:
I worked out with a friend today and for the first time in a long time, I lifted in a much different way than I usually do. I usually focus on low weight high reps and my friends focuses on high weight and relatively high reps. It was an experience that I learned a lot from as well as getting a great workout.
You may know the benefits to switching up routines, but if you don't, the phenomenon is called muscle confusion. Muscle confusion is periodically changing up your workout, so that you get a new burn, and your muscles feel different exercises. The reason for its effectiveness, is change itself requires a different mental capacity. From the physical side of things, what it does is keeps the body from doing the same thing and having no growth. Our bodies are so resilient, if it is not pushed or challenged, the body goes through the plateau phase.
Continually getting results from our body means that we need to do a variety of exercises as well as switch things up. There are many ways that we can switch up our workouts to make them effective. Below is a list of methods to keep your body responding and continually pushing towards your established goals.

-Burnout: If you have not try it, make it a priority. You can choose a muscle group or multiple groups and work them until you literally have nothing left. Not only will this work the muscle in a different way, but it will help you build muscle endurance.
-More reps/sets: This can also cause burnout, but more importantly it raises your bodies expectation of what it will endure. When the mental capacity envelopes an idea and passes it through to the physical, you raise the level of physical response. It is not only an attitude, it is action.
-Routine Switch: routines are a powerful thing and provide comfort. If you are used to doing the same thing each day or each week, it will be hard to change. Do not let your mental hold you back. Do a little research, talk to other enthusiasts, and plow forward. Determine the areas that you want to work and look at exercises that will fulfill your requirements.
-Angles: Even switching the angle that you lift or your body positioning, will work different muscles. Try standing rather than sitting, while you do lifts or visa verse. Also try bringing up your legs, or flexing your muscle that you are working. Incorporate flexing your abs and include other muscle groups as well.
-Team lifting: Try and do someone else's routine. Because it is not your routine, it will be different but you will have the person their to tell you tips and benefits as you are starting.
-Max-out: This should never be done by yourself. To lift your max needs to include someone there who can support you if something doesn't go as planned. Lifting your max is also good mentally because you know how much you can do and as you continually push yourself, see that max raise. It is a fulfilling process that will help you be excited about your efforts.

Everyone wants results. Realize though that there are many ways to the results you seek. By learning what works for you, and learning from others, you can be in a position where there is continual improvement. Continual improvement is the goal. You don't have to be perfect today, but seek perfection today!

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