Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 1 (Let the games begin)

Scott Schwab:
For the first day of the challenge, we want to give some practical advice and also set things in motion. As you decide what types of goals you want to achieve, it is important to be realistic. You know yourself much better than we do, and that is why it is better for you to decide what you will do and then incorporate habits and lifestyle changes that will continue to help you be healthier. We have found that these suggestions will give you immediate and lasting results that will bring down the cholesterol, help you lose fat, and most importantly feel better.

This Weeks Tasks:

1. Replace all sugar drinks with water. Drink half your body weight in water ounces per day. This really helps with cleansing the body and naturally acts as a cleansing effect for toxins and unneeded sugars.
2. Perform a cleanse. This should be something that supports getting the crap out of your body. It is said that people carry up to 8 pounds of waste at anytime. That is bad because it slows you down, makes you bloated, and can increase your risk for disease. Find a cleanse that will keep you regular and support healthy eating.
3. Begin a workout routine that will be challenging but realistic. There are so many resources available. If you don't have time, make time! With our busy lives it is important to create the time that you need for what is most important. Remember, "schedule your priorities, not prioritize your schedule."
4. Even more important than exercise, is healthy eating. For best results, you should do both at the same time, but if you could only do one, the healthy eating would be the best pick. Ideally you should be eating every 2 hours and choose healthy snacks that are about the size of your fist. Keeping your metabolism going is one of the best things that you can do for your body. By eating every 4 hours or more, our bodies go into starvation mode and will hold onto all fat possible for sustenance. This alone will help you naturally cleanse your body and reverse the effects of lack of fuel. Your body is an engine and it needs fuel, just get the right types of fuel.
5. Start your morning with breakfast! I know that there are many people that do not eat breakfast or have gotten used to not eating. This is the most important thing to start a great day. Eat something sensible and get your body moving.
6. Supplements. I cannot stress enough the right supplementation for your body. The three that are most important are fiber, a multi-vitamin, and protein. The reason being is keeping the body regular and giving the fuel(protein) for muscle development, body function, and system restoration.
7. Avoid eating fried food and processed foods as much as possible. Those who go out to eat everyday have a high risk of cholesterol problems down the road. Pack a lunch, it is cheaper and easier on your body. Processed foods do not have a lot of nutrients in them and leave the body wanting more fatty foods.

Here is a cleanse that you can do. It is a 5 day cleanse, but will help you get the right amount of calories, cleanse the body, and eliminate the starvation feeling that other cleanses leave you with. If you have your own cleanse, feel free to do it, but do a cleanse this week to start right.

Chandi Cleanse:
Day 1
Breakfast: Fresh oats in Milk or water(honey can be used for sweetener, but no sugar)
Snack: Orange
Snack: Protein smoothie or protein in water or milk shaker
Lunch: Broccoli and apple
Snack: Almonds(handful)
Dinner: Brown rice and beans or asparagus
Cleanse: Drink a cup of smooth move tea

Day 2
Breakfast: Wheaties in milk(no sugar added)
Snack: apple or orange
Snack: protein Smoothie
Lunch: Fresh Watermelon and banana
Snack: Fat Free Cottage cheese
Dinner: Brown rice and bell peppers
Cleanse: Drink a cup of smooth move tea

Day 3
Breakfast: Fresh oats and blueberries
Snack: cantaloupe
Snack: Protein Smoothie
Lunch: Potato and Fat free cottage cheese(try to avoid butter, sour cream, and cheese)
Snack: Tomato
Dinner: Brown rice and spinach
Cleanse: Drink a cup of smooth move tea

Day 4
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs
Snack: Strawberries or blueberries
Snack: Protein Smoothie
Lunch: Green peas and kidney beans
Snack: Cantaloupe and Raspberries
Dinner: Brown rice and Halibut
Cleanse: Drink a cup of smooth move tea

Day 5
Breakfast: Fresh oats and strawberries
Snack: Watermelon
Snack: Protein Smoothie
Lunch: Brown rice and grilled chicken
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Potato and broccoli and Fat free cottage cheese

*The great thing about this cleanse is that it is cheap to do and gives you all of the nutrients. It is also a great way to ease yourself into healthy eating. There are a lot of varieties that you can explore with this, but for five days stick to this. You also want to focus on eating meals the size of your fist. Stretching the stomach is not good for you and presents problems with feeling full. We are trying to shrink your stomach and still give the body fuel, and that is why the six meals that have all of the food groups covered is best. You can continue to eat like this as long as you would like, but five days will really get your body into a position where it will get results. Combine this cleanse with the suggestions above and I will guarantee you results. Good luck.

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