Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Time Management

"Peace in life comes from pieces of life's experiences"

Scott Schwab:
Relative to the post about stress from yesterday, I believe that a post on time management is also valuable. I have learned one thing about time, "You cannot get it back, so don't waste it." Trying to keep up with the busy world is near impossible. I will not have the answer for every ones desired schedule, but in general will try and give some tips that can help anyone.
First of all we need to ask ourselves how much time is spent doing certain activities. How much time do we watch t.v., Internet, social media, and driving. These seem to consume much of the time that we have during the day. The other interesting thing is that these are the same activities that prevent our time being distributed better. One thing that I have implemented is checking social media once in a day. If I have it sent to my phone and get every update that a person does, I wouldn't get anything done. Secondly I wake up early in the morning so I can send emails and get busy work done.
Call me boring or crazy, but I just don't watch a lot of t.v. I do however enjoy movies, but put them in at a time that kids are asleep and I feel that I have accomplished things for the day. Getting up in the morning also promotes an attitude of getting things going. This is not natural, but it can be learned. Force yourself to get up and then start accomplishing what you would do naturally during the day, but with no disturbance from kids or media. Morning time is a perfect time to get a workout in and in fact, the most highly successful CEO's in America are sited to having one thing in common: waking up early and walking or running.
There is something about getting up and enjoying the sounds of silence and only having your mind to communicate with. So often there is so much noise in our lives that we need cannot hear ourselves think. Our subconscious, just may be the most powerful force in this world. I believe that we draw certain things into our lives based on what we think most about. I also believe that is we want a change, we need to visualize it and then go and make it happen. We have the power to do anything.
I have seen that lately as we have experienced some very trying times. As I wallowed in the mire of pity and self defeat, I could not get anything to go my way and in fact things continued to get worse. However, as I implemented an attitude of accountability and action, things have turned around so drastically, you would not believe it. I know that at times we are weak, but it is only us that can take back our lives and maintain control. "Peace in life comes from pieces of life's experiences."

Time Management:
-Check social media once a day and limit the time you spend online
-Limit your t.v. watching to a healthy amount
-Get up early and get your day started right
-Eat a good breakfast so you have fuel for your day
-Focus on positive thoughts and that you can accomplish anything
-Avoid stress by being accountable and taking action
-Spend time thinking and meditating
-Exercise each day with something
-Spend the time in the car learning not listening

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