Thursday, March 5, 2009

Exercise promotes health

Scott Schwab

The title is very obvious and may not give the justice that the post will. The last week I have been traveling and have noticed some things about my diet, exercise, or lack there of. It is really a difficult thing to travel and maintain a good workout schedule and a healthy diet. I have mentioned this before in a previous post, but I want to revisit the idea. As I have been in Columbus Ohio I was able to lift one day and play racquetball one day. However, the eating out constantly and the brutal schedule took its toll on my body. The last couple of days I have been so sick that I could barely move. I do not get migraines ever and I think I know now how it feels. The nausea, sensitivity to light, to noise. Here is what I learned from my own body. As your body gets used to a particular way of living or a schedule, it will reject the things that don't fall within the schedule. I have noticed it as I have eaten deserts, rich foods, processed foods, etc. Towards the end of my trip I finally did something that I should have done from the beginning. I went to the store and picked up bananas, apples, oranges, orange juice, yogurts, etc.... The body is such an amazing tool and if we can use it correctly we can for the most part avoid the petty sicknesses and colds. Colds that are brought on by inconsistency, imbalance, and lack of schedule. I can say one thing for sure, I have learned that it is not worth the time off that you think you can give your body. Exercise is the fuel for the body and like a car, if ran on empty the fuel filter can get clogged from all the crap that finds its way into our vehicles and ultimately cause for a costly repair or replacement. Don't wait for the repairs or replacement. Live to be consistent and committed today. You will feel better, have more energy, and be more productive. It is a great chain reaction.

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