Sunday, March 22, 2009

Avoiding the No's in life

Scott Schwab
I wanted to see if today I could touch on a couple of the points of health with one post successfully. I read the other day that a child will hear the word no or something close too that 148000 times in there growing years. That is incredible, but what is even more incredible is how that prepares our minds. The author points out that the human mind becomes conditioned to hearing No's and therefore reacts negatively to them. No is something that is a part of life; however, if we do not learn to hear them and respond appropriately to them we will not accomplish our goals. For instance, with my experience in sales, no does not mean no the first time you hear it. It means I don't understand, or I think I understand and my current education leads me to believe that I am fine. The person may be fine in their current situation, but I know in many instances that they could be better off, have more satisfaction, and get the value that they perceive to be getting from the product. Other times no does mean no, but it does not mean quit your life, stop existing, growing, or bettering yourself. The point of this ramble is this; if we always listen to the No's that we hear from others and hear from ourselves we are literally stealing away life's experiences and a chance at growth. The negativity alone that is communicated through the word no has a debilitating effect on our desire. We need to tone our ears to what the No's mean in our life. When setting up a workout plan, it is wise to say the things that you will do; not I will not do this, or not eat this, etc.. The reason behind this is those are things that likely are part of your life at that current time and when a person does that thing or may not be as resilient to begin a regiment, the mind says well, you tried, lets get back to being our old selves. We should build ourselves through the positive form of speaking. Such as, I will workout today no matter how tired I am. Set it as a commitment and follow through. Remember that something has to be done 21 days to become a habit. You will definitely experience challenges and potential No's within that time frame and it is important to turn the no into a yes I can, and yes I will. Try this in all areas of your life. The simple yet powerful change makes a big difference. As a visual example I would like to present to you my friend Vincent. He refused the No's and said Yes I can in a way that I have never seen in my life. Copy and paste the link into the address bar. Enjoy

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