Friday, March 20, 2009

Be your best self

Scott Schwab

Your best self is a mixture or balance of physical, mental, and spiritual. Now I want to clarify my goals with this post. I do not plan to get into religion or types of beliefs, because I do believe that it is personal. However, I do generally want to speak of spirituality being separate to religion, even though at times people consider spirituality the same thing as religion. It has been the need of human nature since the beginning of time to worship and to believe in something larger than themselves. To many people this is God, Deity, or spiritual powers/spiritual being. Beliefs also stem into the power of self and things that are created by nature or evolution. Whatever your belief system is; believe in yourself, and the power that you have within yourself to become more. My personal belief is that we were created by a higher power and are all very unique. With being unique, all of us have the power to influence and change things in our lives and the lives of others. Perhaps that is why we are here on this earth, to help others. I do believe that it is human nature to desire a better place in life and progression is no secret. We have spoken many times about exercise and the power of the mind. The question though is; how does this relate to spirituality? As we have spoken before the power of the body is compounded when the person has balance and alignment. Spirituality is something that I believe to be the biggest area of our balance. Human nature seems to desire more and to worship something bigger than ourselves. It is apparent that we must find something to feel that need. Some find it through church, reading, and/or meditation. I believe that there is room for all of the above. The goal is to find comfort and to find happiness. Explore what you believe and find something that will align you with how you feel. Endorphins are natural energy and they are created in heavy doses when a person knows how they fit in this world and what they believe. Spend a little time exploring yourself and researching what spirituality is. Once you find it for yourself, give all your effort to building that area, like a muscle. It takes time and effort, but when the effort is given, you will receive the benefits. This is how we can be our best self. Find balance and take the time to build your spiritual side.

I wanted to also introduce our guest blogger for tomorrow. Her name Kimmi Cowley and she is a great friend and someone who has incredible discipline with her exercise regiment. She will be speaking to us about what she does for her workout and weekly tips to stay in shape and have the energy for a busy full time college student, employee, and social light.

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