Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Whistle while you work

Scott Schwab:
I wanted to talk about a subject that I have found to be quite common in the exercise world. The idea of having to have someone tell us exactly what we need to do will never work! Not that having a guide or advice is a bad thing. However, there is a point where the rubber must meet the road so to speak. I wanted to talk about this because I know individuals who will ask if they can get a food plan or work out routine written for them. Honestly, this is what I love to do and have no problem doing it. Unfortunately when following up, I have found that well over 50% don't even start the routine.

I have tried to figure this out and continue to have a couple of thoughts. #1 I believe that certain people simply need to make the decision that they will act rather than ask. #2 I believe that for some people working out with someone or a plan acting as the someone is just much more effective. So what type of person are you? My thought is this; take what you have and make it work. So often people say that they don't know what to do. this may be the case in many situations, but you can always start somewhere. Running, Jogging, Swimming are activities that most people can begin. The elliptical and stair-steppers are great as well. If you don't have a membership to a gym, find some stairs and begin.

Often times we wait for the perfect timing, the perfect week, a friend to come through, and a whole host of other things that just never may happen. Acting rather than asking is the step to get us into action. Sure you may not be completely aware of the most beneficial exercises, but by acting you can surround yourself with others who are doing the same things. You will find new friends and acquaintances that will develop and open new areas of your life. Exercise, may be a new thing or at least the consistency needed to bring results may be a new thing. However, lifestyle changes do not begin or end with events or diets. For sustainable results you must act and begin somewhere.

So for all of us who are looking for that date to start or that friend to come through; be the person that acts today. Be the person that you see in others and think, "I wish I could be like them". Or "I wish I have the motivation and/or energy to do what they do". You may not have everything that everyone else has, but you are in control of most things in your life. Be a mind jedi and become what you want to become and leave the rest to chance. You have all the power within you to make a change for the better. You just need to make the decision (goals) and act! Realize also that great things take time and consistency. So whistle while you work or work out and make the change that will change your life and change your lifestyle.

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