Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Say No to Cellulite

Chandi Schwab
Pesty Cellulite...just what we all dread. Well...most of us. I have some good news for you. You can conquer cellulite through exercise.
While it’s known to affect some men, cellulite is infamous for plaguing women with the “cottage-cheese” or “orange-peel” effect on the thighs, hips and buttocks. It’s most obvious in these areas because that’s where fat tends to accumulate. And while doctors say cellulite is just that ordinary fat. The truth is that the lumpy skin appearance is from a combination of factors such as too much fat, too little muscle, thinning skin and connective tissue beneath the skin that separates fat cells into pockets. Because fat is very soft tissue, it doesn’t keep the legs looking firm, smooth and shapely like muscle does.While many women diet and engage in fat-burning aerobic exercise to combat cellulite, they may not realize the importance of strength training. Dieting in the absence of strength training can actually promote the appearance of cellulite by causing muscle loss,so lifting weights to build and maintain muscle is key. It is important to balance it all out.Here are a few exercises that will help.Do these 3-6 days a week along with half hour cardio 3-6 days a week and and stretching.You will notice a difference.

Stand with your feet together and your toes facing forward, bend your arms at the sides and bending your knees lower your body into a squatting position. Hold yourself in this position for three to five seconds before getting back into the upright standing position.

Stand straight with your hands resting against your waist, then take one step forward with your right foot and lower your body till your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Again hold for two to five seconds and then get back into the standing position. Now repeat it with your left leg and keep alternating your legs to compete at least ten repetitions for each leg.
Sweeps with kicks

For this you need to stand with your feet wide apart and your toes pointing outwards. Place your hands on your hips and keeping your back straight, bend your knees to lower yourself till the time your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds and then as you’re trying to get back into the standing position kick outwards with your left leg, as if you’re trying to hit a soccer ball. And switch legs after each repetition.


  1. Thank you for the advice Chandi. This is accurate with me, because I have noticed that I do a lot of Cardio exercise, but very little strength training. I want my legs, butt, and thighs to be toned and I think I know now how to do it.

  2. good article! so true, too.. I've always been into strength training and luckily I have not as MUCH cellulite, it's kinda inevitable for some people, but I agree, doing some squats definitely helps!
