Tuesday, April 5, 2011

At Home Lower ABS

Chandi Schwab
This is an area that can easily go to pot. Especially with age and most especially after having babies. It is probably one of the hardest areas for me to work, but so worth the time. Because our core needs to be strong for all other physical activities it is important that we give it the love and attention it needs. I do abs 5-6 days a week and try to mix it up as much as possible. It is good to change it up because when our muscles get so used to doing the same thing all the time it can become ineffective.

Here are some easy to try even at home ab exercises...

Scissor kicks: These are pretty standard but very effective. Start lying on your back with your palms flat to the floor point your chin to the ceiling looking straight back. scissor kick your legs straight out in front of you with one leg pointed to the ceiling and the other slightly raised and parallel to the ground. count each time your right toe is pointed to the ceiling and do it (50 times)

Leg circles:Stay in the same position as with the scissor kicks only have both legs out in front of you parallel to the ground but off the ground. Circle them inward toward each other 10-20 times and then away from each other 10-20 times.

Free weight lift: With a 5-10lb free weight lie in the same position and stick the weight between your feet.bring your knees to your chest and then straight out with out touching the ground.Do this 10 times. Then lift the weight from off the ground straight out in front of you up into the air with your heels pointing to the ceiling 10 times again. FEEL THE BURN!(You can also do this without any weight to start out with)

Planks:(picture above)Turn over onto your stomach and rest on your elbows and your toes with the rest of your body parallel to the ground. flex your abs and hold it for 30-60 seconds. Do the same thing on each side to strengthen your obliques, resting on your left elbow and then your right.

This is a great quick combination with great results. If you have any questions please let us know in the comment box.Good Luck!

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