Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ultimate workout

Scott Schwab:
From time to time I have a workout that completely exhausts me and makes me want to throw up. Today was one of those days and I am going to post it so those of you looking to mix things up a little can have some new options.

Ok, I know that everyone is not a swimmer. Consider this; the resistance of water compared to air is around 760 times. So if you think of that in terms of walking, running, stair stepping, and swimming, we are in a situation where you can really kick things in gear. Even walking back and forth in a pool will get things moving for you. Swim every other lap until you get comfortable. You will find very few workouts that are better than a good swim. Swim for 20 minutes and really push yourself until you are breathing hard. Your resting heart rate will love you.

Kettle Toss
If you look online and search for kettle bell toss, you will see a person heaving a kettle bell over their head and back between your legs. As good as this is, you can make it better by grabbing the same kettle bell or dumbbell and place it on the ground. Make sure you are using your legs and bending similar to a squat. Explode with the weight in one hand and lift it until it is as high above your head as possible. Do 10 reps and change hands and repeat. This is an exercise that you will want to do 4 reps, but the full-body implications are incredible. You will feel it in your butt, back, legs, chest, arms, abs. Also for more difficulty as you raise it to the top, stand on your tip toes, which will extend the difficulty and burn.

Imagine this workout without tossing the kettle bell or weight:

Dips are great, because they are an exercise that will naturally help your posture and give you strong shoulders that will help some of the sag of gravity. Many times as we age, our bellies will naturally pull our shoulders downward until it looks like we are always slouching. Get your dip on to strengthen those shoulders and reverse the effects of gravity. Forward or backward dips will work in this situation. For example find a stable surface and sit on the edge. Slowly with hands on the edge scoot your butt forward until you are no longer sitting on the ledge. With feet firmly on the ground slowly let gravity pull your butt to the ground and then push yourself back up with your arms. Do 10 reps and 4 sets. Forward dips you will need a bar or have to get creative to where your legs are up and you are supporting your bodies weight being totally off the ground. These are more difficult and should not be attempted unless you are comfortable with supporting your body weight with your feet off the ground.


Push up flys
This is a made up name, but I have explained it before. Take a pair of light dumbbells and position them shoulder width apart in push-up position. Get down where you chest is in between the weight and as close to the floor as possible and as you go up into starting position, twist your body to where you pull the weight off the ground and the weight is above your head. At this point your body will represent a 45 degree angle to the floor and the weight will be fully extended above your head. Bring the weight back to the floor and switch arms and twist the opposite way. This exercise is difficult so you will want to have a light weight and adjust the number of reps if needed. Work towards 10 reps and 4 sets.

Imagine this video with dumbbells and returning them to the push-up position:

The same principle with reversing gravity as mentioned with the dips applies here. Take a comfortable weight in the form of dumbbells and hold them down to each side of your body. Shrug your shoulders in a clockwise manner as slow as possible. The important thing is to go as slow as possible and make the lift worth it. Once done with the clockwise, go counter-clockwise and really drive that burn home. This exercise will really work the shoulder and chest areas and will naturally lift your posture if done in the right way. It will also strengthen the upper back muscles and give you a more healthy look.

With these same dumbbells and to extend the burn. Set one of the dumbbells on the ground and with feet together and dumbbell to the side, slowly let the weight pull your body downward. This exercise is a killer for love handles and will really help the oblique muscles as well as strengthening the arms and shoulders. Naturally this will help the core muscles and even give you a great ab workout. The secret is to flex your abs and try to maintain good posture. Do 10 reps per side and 4 sets total.

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