Tuesday, April 19, 2011




Stephanie Crandall

I did drop a percentage of body fat, to 18% which is huge for me! I'd never been able to get past 19, so that was my biggest accomplishment.
So my 8 week challenge started out kinda rough. I survived the "no chocolate" goal for maybe a week, and realized I just can't deprive myself or I go crazy and then binge. So I just reduced my sweets & desserts quite a bit, but had them on occasion.
My husband may think otherwise but I did make more of an effort to spend less on things I don't need, it was definitely an improvement I think!
We did make it to the Temple at least before we left to St Louis so we were happy about that.
My weight is still the same (maybe a few pounds more) and I was discouraged but realistically, I know I hit the gym hard especially in the last few weeks and lost body fat, so it's all good.



Aaron Crandall

This challenge was good. I feel like I have definitely made it a habit to work out now and not eat fast food anymore except subway. I feel like this is the healthiest I have ever eaten and probably the best I have felt since I was a little kid. Haha. As far a my goals they were changing somewhat throughout the challenge. Instead of running and trying to lose weight a ton now I am trying to add muscle. So....

I did get to 10% body fat which was a huge accomplishment from the end of last summer when I was 22-23 percent. I think I lost 2 percent on this challenge.

My abs are showing more but I would like to get em showing even more by the end of the summer I need to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Scott Schwab. Lol. My 2 idols.

I ran for the first half of this challenge but my gym time has been shortened lately because I started my summer of selling alarms so I have been focusing on lifting now. I will start running again after the summer and would like to compete in some races.

I got my books read. Urbans way and a nutrition book

And I believe I sold more like 15-18 alarms during the course of the challenge so more than my goal.

Thanks again Scotty for putting on these little contests so I can have a reason to push myself.

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