Saturday, February 12, 2011

What to do with a free day

Scott Schwab:
During our week we will all encounter a free day so to speak. This free day can represent a day that you give yourself a break with exercise, a break with eating habits, or even focus on other aspects of your goals. As always it is always important to have goals and benchmarks, but should these goals include breaks and what can that mean for our health?

In looking at the free day mentality there are many benefits for our body. Some health experts call it our rejuvenation period. Others refer to it as our day to relax. Regardless of how you coin the phrase, it is essential for the body. When we do things regularly, there is a need to have a break from that activity. Why, you ask? You will come back stronger and be more successful with breaks to the overall goals. The goals don't need to take a back seat, but plan for a day or a time period where your body does not have to stress or worry.

This approach can also be very beneficial for our minds. The constant pressure that we endure based on our thoughts, concerns, and ideas, can be alleviated by simply taking a break from it all. The truth behind all of this is to allow your body to benefit from the norm and change things up so you can be excited for a restart. The key is not to let this free day become a holiday and take us back from our goal. With that in mind here are a couple of suggestions of what to do on a free day.

Free Day
-Go on a hike, bike ride, or walk
-Clean your house or garage
-Take a friend or family trip
-Watch your favorite movie
-Revisit old hobbies or memories(it is very beneficial to reflect)
-Give service in your community
-Change your attitude

As with everything in life, your free day depends on your attitude. Having a positive attitude for growth, development, and improvement will be self fulfilled when we keep that in our minds. Having an attitude of stress, annoyance, and disturbance is also self fulfilled. As with all human emotions, attitude is contagious. Keep your focus on the goal and allow for some rest and renewing power to strengthen your resolve for a better you.

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