Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring 8 week challengers

First group of challengers are posted!Check them out!

Carter Crandall
(I had to post this...look how cute he is)

Carters goals

Gain 2 lbs of fat
Eat my vegetables
No biting anyone in kid club
No throwing food
Learn to poop in the toilet

These goals will make my parents so happy!! Then they will get me a trip to Disneyland!!

Aaron Crandall


-Get below 10% body fat
-Get my abs showing more-do ab workouts 4 times a week
-Run 20 miles a week the first month then 25 a week the 2nd month
-Read Urbans Way. And a nutrition book
-Sell 10 alarm systems

Stephanie Crandall


-No chocolate for 8 weeks
-No eating after 8 pm
-Read scriptures everyday
-Get below 17% body fat
-Spend less on things I don't need

Cory Hamilton


- lose 28 lbs
- one weekly date with Hayden and one with Megan
- Private financial goal
- Private spiritual goal
- No grades lower than a "B" in my school classes

Megan Hamilton


- Lose 15 lbs
- Eat 6 small meals a day and do not eat after 7pm.
- Daily scripture study and prayer.
- Go to the temple once a month.
- Do at least one special/fun thing with Hayden a day to spend more quality time together and help him develop his speech.
- Always be reading a book
- Start my blog

Ashley Ludlow


In the 8 weeks I'd like to:
*Lose 22lbs or more (get to what I weighed on our wedding day)
*Participate in daily personal scripture study, prayer, and journal entries.
*Hold family scriptures and prayers each day and home evening once each week.
*Keep a clean house, specifically:
No dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed,
Wash, dry fold and put away one load of laundry each day,
Take 15-20 minutes after dinner to tidy up clutter each night.
Once a week thrououghly clean each room (Can be spread out throughout the week) ie: vacuum, dust, sweep and mop, scrub bathroom etc.
*Go to bed before 10:00pm each night.
*Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day (64oz)
*Get at least 30 minutes of activity at least 5 times a week

Russell Ludlow


*Go from a size XL ACU's to a size L
*Get down to 209lbs.
*Get good grades in class (B or better)
*Read scriptures and pray daily
*Keep his dishes clean
*Not procrastinate doing laundry and folding clothes.

Sam Woods


*You guys are great to continue to do these challenges​. Current weight 212. Goal weight 196. This spring challenge for me is going to be strictly weight focused. The trash talk is already starting with my local cycling buddies and I am ready to make some changes.

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