Thursday, February 10, 2011

Living through your goals

Scott Schwab:
Lately I have been thinking about the power of goals and more specifically goal setting. I believe at times we become prisoners to our goals. There is sub-conscious power and conscious power that comes from the obtaining of goals or lack of fulfilling goals. I wanted to give points on some tips that will help you live a better life and demand more of yourself.
The first point that is a fact is that the more we obtain goals, the better quality of life we will have and the more we will be able to depend on ourselves. Subconsciously, we let ourselves down and cannot trust our inner desires when we are never obtaining what we say we will do or think we will do. Obviously there are situations that we need to work on areas for long periods of time and do not obtain our goal the first time. The key to these types of goals is to set measurable results and focus on improvement.
Timing Goals
There are many types of goals and categories that they fall into. Such as health, mental, spiritual, fiscal,etc. We control the goal setting by the amount of time we set with the goal. Having a goal is a wonderful pursuit, but requires us to take a serious look at the goal and project when we will reach that goal. Another essential element is to set weekly follow-ups and check points. That way we can stay on track and our overall goal is supported by weekly goals or mini goals.
Obtaining Results
To obtain goals we need to set the right type, attach the right time, and set obtainable goals. Seems simple enough, but why do we not achieve our goals? The biggest reason we do not obtain our goals is that we do not focus on it enough and either stop trying, forget, or give up. Obtaining goals relates to setting goals. You want to eliminate all intangibles if possible. For example if you wanted to set a goal to lose weight. You need to know how much can be lost healthily in the defined period. Next know your body. Do you lose weight easy, is it a challenge, etc.? Now start planning what you will have to do, what you will have to avoid, and how you will be accountable.
Getting down to de Nitty gritty with Encarnacion, you will find that goals are about how you hold yourself accountable to them. One way to be accountable is to tell other people so that they can give you support. Another way to hold yourself accountable is by writing the goals down. Writing goals down makes them more real and subconsciously we will remember them better. The other accountability factor is having it viewable. The best place is where you will see it often. Good suggestions is the car, the mirror in your bathroom, the kitchen, etc.
The Philosophy
The last suggestion is just doing what we say we will do. Push ourselves past the uncomfortable stage. The nature of a goal is to get us beyond where we are currently. To do that we must face the fact that we will be uncomfortable at times. Find ways when feeling uncomfortable, that you can work harder or push past the challenge. When we grasp this one principal, we will be able to accomplish ANY goal we set. To be in the habit of doing what we say we will do, we must get into the habit of doing what is hard, doing what is not fun, and doing what we do not want to do.

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