Friday, December 17, 2010


Scott Schwab:
I wanted to write and talk about some of the supplements that all of us should be taking no matter what our dedication to the gym is. I am a firm believer in supplements and have seen the drastic results when using them. There is a little research that needs to go into your decision and you should not assume that just because it is sold on the Wal-mart or Costco shelf, that it is good for you.

Vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients are the body's fundamental building blocks. They support a strong foundation and are responsible for our energy levels, performance and vitality. You want to always make sure that the A,B,D vitamins are included. However, it is also important to have Zinc, fish oils, magnesium citrate, potassium, and calcium as ingredients included. My pick for one pill rather then popping 5-10 that all do different things is Opti-men and Opti-women. The performance is legitimate and there is plenty of research and time on the market to back this product up. You can find it at:

As we age our bodies naturally start slowing down. The key for any metabolism and the health of your inner-body is to have some fiber to keep things flowing. Benafiber is a good product, but there are better out there. Find a fiber that not only helps to keep things moving, but will repair with digestive enzymes. Additionally find a fiber that will deliver a pro-biotic that keeps you healthy and will supply an army of antibodies that will eliminate bad bacteria and produce good bacteria. I know that sounds weird, but our bodies need bacteria to help the body fight off flu and sickness. My pick for the fiber of all fibers is by Myogenix. The product is called Pro-Fiber and Chandi and I personally take this product daily. You can find it at:

One of the biggest myths about protein is that all are created equal. Nothing could be further from the truth. Protein is delivered in drink form, powder form, and even pill form. The form is not necessarily the key. The main objective is to look at the sugar and calories and compare it to the amount of protein that you are getting. Another myth is that proteins all taste bad. Again many taste chalky and gritty, but with the advancements in flavor extracts, you can get good flavor and not have to take on sugar, fillers, and calories. You need to understand that many of the proteins serve as a meal replacement. It is the best way to incorporate the plan of doing 6 meals. When you are busy, you simply throw some protein in a shaker with water or milk, and enjoy. One key is to have a protein that is an isolate so it mixes well.
The last myth reveled is that protein will make me bulk. Not true! There are proteins that are meant to help people bulk, with pre or post-work out additives. However, in its basic form it is meant to give you more of the stuff that your body needs. As a body works through the protein that it has in storage, the body will start burning muscle and break down the bodies health. Protein is your fuel and you need to give it as much as you can. Protein is a huge difference maker and you should be taking the best stuff available. My pick is Dymatize Elite Gourmet. It is a high quality blend that actually has time-release agents to give you releases during the day. It also mixes very well and the gourmet is a great tasting product. You can find all the flavors and blends at:

In conclusion, you will have better results, quicker, by taking something that will naturally help the body to act. There are thousands of products and based on your level of commitment and desired results, we can suggest other products. However, regardless of whether you do nothing in the exercise department or you go frequently, these are the building blocks for a strong foundation.

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