Thursday, December 30, 2010

Overcome the uncomfortable

Scott Schwab:
I spent a little time today making phone calls that I did not necessarily want to make. Through the years we pick up annoyances and sometimes even grudges along the way. The goal is not to harbor the feelings and let them turn into something more. I decided that I would start 2011 fresh and clean from any negative or unfriendly feelings.
The calls have been very awkward and a couple of times I have caught people off guard which only makes the situation more awkward. However, I am the type of person who needs closure. It is dumb, I know, but for me I would rather get rid of the feelings, than hold onto something that is purely based on opinion. In many of the disagreements that I have had, I don't even think a person realizes that I may have been offended. People move on and unfortunately we get left in the dust when we hold onto resent or hurt.
When we think negatively on a situation or in reference to an interaction, it takes energy away from us. Emotionally it can put us in a position where we choose to replay the situation until we get it just right in our head. Granted there are situations where we are not in the wrong, but usually every story has two sides. My advice is to take care of the negativity immediately. Don't let it fester and don't let it harbor.
You may not even know what to say. I didn't, but I stumbled my way through a, "the past is the past and I wish you the best going forward". It is hard and again uncomfortable, but I do feel as though I have let some situations go that when the perfect storm arises, I have thrown some great pity parties. Most of the time they are simple and dumb. When they do get large and you have reason to get upset, you will already be in the habit of moving past it. You will feel better and it has some great benefits on your overall health.

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