Friday, December 10, 2010

Holiday Challengers

Jeff Hadlock


1 - Running at least 3 times a week.
2 - Weight training at least 3 times a week.
3 - Spend more one on one time with each child per week.
4 - No eating after 7pm.
5 - Cut soda out of diet.
6 - Eat healthier.

I hate to put a goal weight but i feel that dropping 20lbs would be perfect. On top of running and weight training i will be doing P90X workouts twice a week. I tend to get bored with running on a treadmill so I will be constantly be looking at this website to get more ideas on mixing it up.

Aubrey Fullmer

1. Loose my last 10 lbs of baby weight
2.Read 2 books
3.Personal scripture study for 20 min every day
4.Cardio 3 times a week; weights twice a week
5.Do my first half marathon in January
6.Start training for my full marathon in January
7.Spend more time with my kids individually
8.Help my daughter learn her sight words and reading
9.Eat more healthy; only one day a week I allow sugar
10.More patience with myself and my family
11.Serve one person per week

James Hansen

1. I'm gonna keep with the awesomeness of the last 8 week challenge and lose ten more pounds and reach 170.
2. I'm going to exercise at least six times a week.
3. Eliminate fast food.
4. Finish the first draft of my novel!

Daric Hartle

Since the last challenge I was able to lose 5 pounds and start some consistency. I am currently at 207 lbs and would like to be down to about 190 ideally. However, for this challenge I think it is realistic to try and get to 195. I am going to accomplish this by using a diet that is supposed to jive with my blood type. In other words, I should not eat certain foods due to my blood type. I will try this method while also cutting back on my bread and sugars consumption. I need to get some Z's at night and will start setting a time that I want to be in bed and asleep. The bad habit is killing me the next day. I have also started a soccer league and realized that it is kicking my butt running constantly. I plan to get in underwear model shape and get my sexy back.

Drew Cavner

1) Drop 3% points of body fat
2) 100 push-ups in 2 minutes
3) Run a 6 minute mile
4) 40 pull-ups in 2 minutes

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