Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A simple workout with results

Scott Schwab-
Many of us strive to have good workouts and to be effective, but time and responsibility can take away from that goal. There is a workout though that if done correctly, can give you everything that you need and allow you the time to do other things. Furthermore this group of exercises can be done at home, in a hotel, or even at a gym.
The key to getting a good workout, is not only burning calories, but working muscles that will release the greatest amount of testosterone. The releasing of testosterone, whether you are male or female, is the biggest contributing factor for fat burn. That being the case, we need to work the groups of muscles that are largest. Your largest muscle groups are your legs, your core, and your upper body. With so many different exercises, it is hard to work all of these areas and get an effective workout. Or is it?
Push Ups
Push ups are some of my favorite workouts and are responsible for the working of the shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, forearms,etc. All one needs to do to have a different muscle group worked is change the position of your hands or the width at which you have as your ready position. Now it is great to pound out a lot of push ups, but it is even better to have proper form. Get in ready position and do nice, slow, effective push ups. Go as low as you can go and push up to the starting position as slowly as you can. Whether on your knees or on your feet, the exercise is great. Do as many as you can do and then have that serve as your benchmark for the next 3 sets. Have a goal of getting to 10 push-ups to start out with, but don't stop there.
I think the word jogging was created to represent a mix between running and walking. You may not be able to go out and run 1 mile, but you can definitely walk a mile. All this will require you to do is change your pace through out the mile. Ideally the goal is to go a quarter of a mile and then do the push ups and other exercises to break up the distance. Four equal parts of the jog, will divide up the other reps into four equal parts. Work at increasing and improving your speed, rather then maintain a slower pace. Although it is important to have a good pace, it is more important to get your heart rate up and push yourself.
This is one of the best exercises that you can do. Even if you do not have weight, your body weight alone will give you a workout. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and put your hands behind your head and fingers interlocked as if you were being searched by the police. Slowly start the sitting process so you go as low as you possibly can go. Keep your hands behind your head and as you slowly make the ascent you will go until you are on your tip toes for a complete leg workout. Look to hold your stance in the tip toe position for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat again. Whatever number you choose, hold yourself accountable to repeat that number four times. Again, do this exercise with the push ups at each quarter mile. Try to do 15 at each quarter mile.
There are so many exercises to do with your abs, but I am a huge proponent of working your abs everyday. Don't do the same exercise everyday, but mix it up so other areas of your abs get some love. It will prevent boredom and work the other areas of the abdomen. The ones I like the best for this exercise is to incorporate a couple of movements. Do the normal crunch until you have sufficiently worked the middle area, then slowly bring your legs until they are elevated at a 30 degree angle. Hold that for as long as you can, but also incorporate vertical scissor kicks and horizontal kicks. Doing this for a time as apposed number of reps will help you do more. Remember to keep your feet up off the ground and your head elevated for some absolute results.
You may be worried about not doing things perfect or looking silly in your neighborhood as you do the quarter scenario. However, if you can do one thing, stop caring what people think as you do the very thing that will give you great results. I for one can say I look ridiculous at times in the gym. However, I am not there for anyone else but my personal needs. If we worry what others think, we will miss out on having a great workout and taping into the process of improvement and sustained results. This exercise group can be done by everyone. Don't focus on your time, focus on completion and then work from there.

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