Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Years
Mike Smead:
Scott has asked me to write about my experience during this 8 week challenge. be honest I haven't done much during the past 8 weeks, especially during the holiday's. But I have had some success this last year with losing unwanted weight and maintaining my weight. I have found that everyone needs to figure out how their own body operates and how it handles the calories you take in everyday. What I can do is tell everyone what worked for me and how I was able to lose 30 lbs this year. The key to my weight loss was diet diet diet, and water water water, and more water!!
First, I figured out that I needed to "program" my body. When I say "program", I mean that you need to let your body know when you are going to eat and take in calories. A scheduled eating program is essential to losing unwanted fat. When your body knows it is going to process food or calories that you take in, your body is prepared to take in those calories and your metabolism is ready to process them. Hunger pains are a good thing and when your body tells you that you're hungry, you should eat! Eating often in small portions with healthy snacks in between meals is much more effective than eating healthy 2 or 3 large portions in a day. When I first started my diet I felt like I was eating a ton of food, but in reality I was eating the same or less amount of food throughout the course of a day. I found I was eating 3-4 small meals a day with 2-3 healthy snacks in between meals.
Second, my diet and the types of foods that I would eat. We've all heard about the low carb diets and how amazing they are. I'm not a fan of low carb diets because carbs are what give us our energy. I believe in eating carbs, and your body needs them to give you energy. They key to carb intake is when you take in carbs. I would eat my carbs early in they day and decrease my carb intake throughout the day. If you take your carbs early in the day, then your body has the entire day to burn off those carbs and your body won't store them to fat. I usually included my carb intake during breakfast and lunch. I disciplined myself to not eat any carbs after 5 pm. The types of foods I eat are what I call "naked foods"...meaning don't eat foods that have been processed. I eat a lot of fruits, vegatables and protein foods that haven't been processed. When we eat foods in their natural state our bodies take full advantage of the nutrients they provide and it is much easier for out bodies to process. Balanced and small portioned meals were the healthiest
Third, I said it before...water, water, water and more water. I drink 6-10 bottles of water a day. Water flushes out your body of all the unwanted calories and keeps your body clean on the inside.
As a result of my new diet and lifestyle change, I have found it is much easier to maintain my weight. Because I have 'programmed' my body and it's metabolism, I am able to cheat from time to time and eat some of the foods that we all love. I hope my experience will help some of you and happy holiday's.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
8 week challengers
Scott Schwab:
I wanted to take a brief moment to introduce a couple of the 8 week challengers. For the most part people are doing very well and keeping with it. Great work. We already are hearing of people who want to join the next 8 week challenge. I have looked into the diet from the standpoint of being able to continue normal activity and exercise. It seems that there is a focus on allowing your body to eliminate the toxins and waist. You will not be starving yourself, you are simply going without food and there is a difference. You will be getting a lot of natural sugars from the lemonade mixture. However, let your body be your guide. If you start feeling uneasy, stop the exercise and take a break. However, this should not effect your normal routine, but you may want to take it a little easier just to be sure. You definitely do not want to run a marathon.
Zachary Taylor
To start off I think I chose the wrong time of the year to do an 8 week challenge, but it has worked out ok so far. I actually have had the opportunity to work out with Brad Lau who was the starting fullback for BSU during the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. He has helped me work out areas of muscle in my body I never knew existed, which has been painful but rewarding. I haven’t been as consistent as I wanted to be, again because of the holiday season, but I think I am already seeing some good results. I am trying to focus on my shoulders, pecks, arms, and stomach. This butterfly work out Brad has me doing has killed my shoulders which is a good thing, and he has also shown me different work outs that if you wanna feel the burn on your arms and pecks, it is money! Scott has posted a new 10 day eating habit specialty, which I am eager to try out that is supposed to help cut you into lean muscle. I need to keep pushing this next month, and do better to see some success for this 8 week challenge.
KC Rivera
So a quick update of the progress of the eight week challenge. I and a couple of buddies started the program P90X right around the same time that this challenge came out so that has been our daily workout. So far I have loved yet hated every minuet of it (I mean hate in a good way.) I set a few goals to start out with, they were challenging and yet very attainable. First off I didn’t want to miss a day of the program; it is set up to work a different part of the body every day with staggered higher and lower intensity workouts throughout each week. So far this goal has been met, despite the holidays I have not missed a day, each session is between an hour and an hour and a half. Second I bit the bullet and finally gave up soda, not that it’s going to kill you or anything but there is not a single shred of good in it!! I’ve been soda free for over a month! (I feel like I was in rehab) My third goal seemed easy but trust me for a broke, starving, time lacking college student it was tough. I committed to give up fast food, with an average of two or three burgers a week and at least two hot and ready pizzas my diet was less than ideal… However with the high activity level that I sustain this didn’t seem so bad, I felt like I could get away with eating that kind of stuff and still stay fit, which I did to a certain extent. Once the diet changed and I still maintained a high level of activity, my body reacted in an amazing way. I immediately started seeing more tone in my muscles, granted they had always been there but now they are starting to show. I also noticed an increase in my overall energy level, my afternoon naps have disappeared from my normal daily schedule. P90X has not been easy every day but it is challenging and new. I think one of the biggest things that the program taught me and that I will always do from here on out is WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN!!!!! For each workout I keep a record of how many reps I did and what the weight was that I used. This has so many advantages, first off it lets you know if you are improving and doesn’t allow you to dog it or quite on something when last week you were able to do 4 more then; why not this week? Also it’s very satisfying to note that when I started I could only do 6 to 8 pull-ups, (I know pathetic right) now I can rattle off 18 to 20 every time. To see that I can do the same amount of reps but with a greater amount of weight is great for the confidence I recommend this to everyone, keep track of what you’re doing. Combine all this with a great supplement (I use a product by Myogenix called After shock strength and recovery) and there is no way you can’t reach your goals. This is my progress so far hope everyone is working hard and having fun with this challenge. Until next time.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
10 Day cleanse
Scott Schwab:
It is official. We are doing the cleanse starting Monday the 4th. It will be very difficult and reading through the schedule makes it seem impossible. However, I know I can do it and I know if each of you say you will do it, you will. I have found that Beyonce Knowles did the same cleanse the 2 weeks before she starting shooting Dreamgirls. Her results were 20 pounds lost and better overall feeling. There are other notables that have taken it and had similar results. I have talked to a medical professional and he has cleared the program. I wanted to make sure it was safe before everyone tried it. There is a website dedicated to the cleanse and exact instructions for what you will do. Not only are you cleansing your body, but you are also able to lose weight at the same time. With the extra 52 pounds I put on over Christmas, it seems like a great time. Anyway reading some of the experiences of others, really got me excited and looking forward to the program. To me; it is a chance to do something that I don't think is possible. Reading other peoples experiences taught me that it is possible and people see great results. I am sure like with anything, results will vary, but we do have a group that is doing it, so we will be able to post on experiences and results of the cleanse. The website is listed below and you will find all that you need there. If you have further questions, let us know.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Back on track
Chandi Schwab
After the holidays it can be difficult to get back on track and into our normal routines. If we haven't been eating well it is hard to get back into a balanced eating routine. Sometimes when we have been eating large quantities of fattening or high sugar foods it is easier for us to feel like not eating at all the next morning all the way until that evening. At that point we find ourselves starving again and wanting to delve back into those sugary, fattening foods. This is a hard cycle to get out of. The best way to get out of it is by making sure that we jump into our normal routine right away first thing in the morning. Wake up, drink a large glass of water, Work out, (if that is the time you have set aside for it), and then choose your first healthy meal to start your day out. Like oatmeal, smoothie, eggs with wheat toast,fruit and yogurt, etc... keep your metabolism rolling with 5 other small healthy meals throughout your day. This will keep you energized and satisfied. For those of you that are doing the 8 week challenge don't feel discouraged. A lot can be accomplished in one month. Scott and I are planning on starting a cleanse the first of the year.If any of you are interested in joining us let me know. Hope you all are enjoying the holidays! Keep up the great work!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tis the season to be Jolly
Scott Schwab:
Is there any correlation to happiness and health? Better yet does attitude affect your health? Can one obtain endorphins in other ways then exercise? I have found an article that might give you a change of perspective, not only about these subjects, but life itself. This may be a no brainer for some, but people who are happier will live longer and that is a fact. Endorphins are not only generated when you are working out and exercising. Endorphins are created when you do activities that you enjoy and/or get satisfaction from. They are also released by living a healthy lifestyle, and eating certain foods. I personally have noticed the days that I am happy, my workout is better. I get more done and I have more motivation. So as the dawn of a New Year is just less than a week away; perhaps our goals should not just be losing weight! This is every ones goal every year, and it is striking to see how many people do not follow through. Following through is the key, and realize; that with any change in habit, the first two weeks you will hate, probably gain weight, and feel very unhealthy. Don't give up! Even when you may see your benefits as non existent or in small measure at first. Make this New Year the one that counts. There is no better time than now, today, and this year. So lets change our attitudes and do exactly what we say we are going to do, promises we make, and commitments that we are bound by. Tis the season to be Jolly. Smile big, change your attitude, and live for what is important.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Chandi Schwab
Just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and leave a message of giving. Today we watched the movie Evan Almighty.It was our first time seeing it and it actually had a great message. An acronym that was shared in the movie was with the word ARK. The acronym was Acts of Random Kindness.This is a great time to show random acts of kindness. This is one of the best gifts we can give.Through giving, we are able to feel good through helping others. We wish you all our best and hope that all is well!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Avoid the gut bomb
Scott Schwab
It is incredible to me at this time of year how much I justify. As I see a tasty treat, the battle begins. Unbelievable! However, I have observed that as I have partaken a little here and a little there, I actually am feeling a gut bomb at the end of the night. What I don't think I realize is the grazing that I am doing is really adding up. The sugar is not treating me well and my stomach is so uncomfortable. It is similar to that feeling when you have eaten some really greasy food and you just want to say "Get out of my belly." I have a couple of tips that are helping me. I am chewing a lot of gum. The reason is that I will not eat treats when I have gum in my mouth. It also gives me a temporary fix for the sweat tooth in me. We also have propel, which is helping me avoid the soda and other fun holiday drinks. Now I am not saying not to have a little or be a bah humbug type of person, but I am saying that once you start it is very difficult to stop. I know how fudge tastes. It is not necessary for me to eat 20 just to be sure they still taste good. Have a goodie, then pop a piece of gum in and avoid the grazing. Like bessy the cow, we have a tendency to eat more when it is laid out in front of us and easily accessible as apposed to a meal. It is Christmas Eve and it is a wonderful time of year, the most wonderful time if you ask some people. Enjoy it, with the end in mind. The end is fulfilling your goal and succeeding with your health and fitness objectives. Keep your heads up and know that you will make it. The most prominent New Years Resolution, deals with weight. Start now, so you have your focus and will be less likely to binge this Holiday with the knowledge of, "I will start January 1st
and really be disciplined." The truth is; if you don't do it today, you probably wont do it tomorrow.
Chandi Schwab
This 8 weeks my goal is to strengthen and tone my whole body. As you have probably noticed I am incorporating the Body for Life program which has been a huge success. The aerobic portion that I have shared in a recent post works so well. I am really trying to push myself with my workouts and am continually working on my eating.
This 8 weeks I will...
1)lose 5 more lbs
2)Tone my lower abs more
3)leaner bum and thighs
I am reaching my goals through
1)Body for Life program
2)alternating upper and lower body weight lifting
3)different abs everyday
4)Drinking my protein shakes every morning
This time of year is the hardest but that is why it is the best time to be health conscious and to always be working towards our goals!Keep up the great hard work!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Another Challenger
Scott Schwab:
Today has been a long day of traveling. However, I feel good about the 65 degree weather. With this week being about the half way point of the 8 week challenge we thought we would take sometime and give those still dedicated to the challenge, a chance to tell us what they are doing.
Josh Shiffman
I have worked out for a long time now and I love the feeling I get after I get a good workout in, all those endorphins, I just love it. However, I have learned that if your wanting to look good, only working out won't really do it for you. One has to be consistent and disciplined in their eating habits. Something that has helped me when trying to reach a certain weight goal, is noticing that my eating habits directly reflect the type of workout I do in the morning. I have chosen to wake up anywhere from 5-7am depending on my schedule to work out. If I don't get a work out in my eating through the day are terrible. I justify to myself that its OK, but those are the days I should be watching my eating. After a good workout I feel like I am so in shape that I don't want to eat anything unhealthy to ruin that. For me I didn't realize that was how I worked. I make it a priority to workout in the morning so that the rest of my day is a success. I learned this to be true when my wife asked me in May 2009 to run the St George marathon in October 2009. I had never even thought about running a marathon, probably because one couldn't really miss a run while training, and running wasn't fun to me. I remember struggling to run 1 mile on treadmill. The first 3 weeks running 3-5 miles per day killed me. I didn't know how I would ever do 26 miles at one time. We ran the Marathon and I loved every minute of it. We started and finished together, just like we had practiced. What an amazing experience! Looking back on it now those 3-5 miles everyday taught me how little things are so important in the big picture. For me working out in the morning is my "little thing", every single day. Getting into shape so that I can feel good about myself and be active is my "Big Thing." Good luck to all you in your holiday feasts. Be strong!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Stretch it out!
Chandi Schwab
Why is stretching so important? It makes your body perform better. You'll gain a greater range of motion, so you can generate more force. Your stride will be longer, and you'll think nothing of taking the stairs two at a time (which means you'll be able to burn more calories). Even everyday stuff such as tying your shoes will be easier. Besides the most important aspect of flexible muscles helping to prevent muscle soreness and injury, it also helps aesthetically. Well-stretched and limber muscles appear leaner than constantly strained muscles. Stretching also undoes a lot of the postural damage we do even when we're not working out.
Also, stretching has some hidden psychological benefits. Just as chronically tight muscles send a signal to your brain that you're under constant stress, chronically relaxed muscles send the opposite message, telling your brain that everything is okay. That can make you feel less stressed out even when things are crazy. Plus, when done properly, stretching simply feels good.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Encouragment from the field
Scott Schwab:
We thought that a good idea for this week is to introduce the 8 week challengers and what they are doing for their goal. We also encourage everyone to read posts specifically related to your goal. You can look up any post by putting the title into the search area. Like the Holidays do, I always remember them for football, re- runs, and family. Have a great Holiday and remember you can do it!
Liz Albl
Over the next 8 weeks (starting tomorrow!) I commit to:
1. At least 1/2 hour workout on the elliptical, 6 days a week.
2. No soda.
3. Portion control; I plan on doing this by not going over 1800 calories a day.
4. Ab workout 6 days a week - I'll alternate the different routines mentioned on the site.
So there it is!
Scott Schwab
Over the next 8 weeks I commit to
1. Loose 5 pounds
2. reduce my body fat from 10 to single digits
3. do a body cleanse
4. reduce stress in my life
5. mentally improve myself everyday
A goal does not have to be a certain way. It can be anything, but needs to be written down. If you are an 8 week challenger and have not written down your goal, do it. Also keep up the hard work and don't give up on the challenge. It is so hard during the holidays, but will be so worth it. Liz has been following the site from the beginning and has done great. She emails Chandi and I periodically to share her successes. One night after a car wreck, she was feeling overwhelmed and was just looking to kick back and relax. She realized though that diving into some unhealthy food would not make her feel any better and in fact in the end would make matters worse. Lix is doing great and we appreciate her involvement.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Junky makes you Trunky
Chandi Schwab:
This is a post to remind us all that, though this time of year is so much fun with a lot of great things to eat, we need to be selective and do our best to stay out of the vicious trap. Eating sweets and junk food can put us into a brutal cycle. Once we start our bodies crave it, then we don't feel good, then we feel like we need more to gain temporary energy. Believe me, I speak from experience. I also find that when I eat bad I am useless. All I want to do is sit around and eat more or take a nap, leaving me very unproductive for the day. And the next day...i have no desire to go work out. Don't get me wrong I think the holidays are a time to enjoy sweet indulgences, but be careful because taking just 1 can lead to eating 5. Before you delve in, decide whether or not you really want it. Then eat it slowly and enjoy each bite. Try washing it down with a full glass of water or fat free milk to help keep you full. Wait at least 15 minutes and I am pretty sure you won't want more. You will be satisfied. It takes about that long for your body to realize this. Keep up the great work and keep on working out!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friends for ever!
Scott Schwab:
I was looking into the benefits of having good friends around you and possibly the effects of positive relationships on health. In looking at the model that Jenny Craig has and others like her; it is all about support and friendship. This is why so often there are suggestions about finding someone to workout with and use as a support group. I see many people at the gym going together, but it often seems that they are there for double the time and really spend most of the time talking. I recommend having a support group, but in the form of a Steven Segall or Chuck Norris. You and I both know that if you were working out with Chuck or Steve, there would be no time for talking. Find someone who will support you and push you to your limits and beyond. The most helpful relationships for working out and exercise is someone who you can have a healthy competition with. Someone who you secretly would like to impress or beat in the field of battle. It shouldn't be something you obsess about, but something that allows for good, fun, and clean competition. That way you truly help each other when going for an exercise. Couples have a great way of motivating each other, because the work that is done, is mostly for self, but also for your spouse. Another healthy relationship is a close friend that you are not always going to be checking people out and talking about old war stories, but someone who will sincerely push you because they can. If both of you are educated about exercise equally take different days as the leader. When you have two people trying to decide on a workout, there is a lot of talking and not a lot of doing. You may have heard the old saying, too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Take turns so that each of you can progressively try and out match the other in difficulty of workout. That makes the workouts fun and go by quickly, and you will be looking forward to the next day in trying to out wit your competition. Here is a link with an articles about friendship and health.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Running against the odds
Scott Schwab:
Has anyone realized how difficult it is to run when there is snow on the ground and it is cold outside? I sure have and find that the struggle is a full on battle. However, in doing a little research I found some benefits that I did not previously think about and ones that are worthy of passing on.
Bundling Up
When bundling up in the winter and taking a run, you will sweat more then running in the summer. The reason is based on your body expending energy to stay warm and working harder to keep the blood flowing. This is based on your keeping a consistent speed similar to your warm weather running. Also it all depends on getting your heart rate elevated and running for more then 30 minutes typically.
There is, however, evidence that athletes take in more calories after cold-weather workouts, possibly because food helps warm us and because our appetites wane in warm temperatures. Another risk is having cold muscles and not properly stretching. When muscles are tight they have a higher risk of pulling or even stretching. Make sure that if you do run outside that you are taking the appropriate time to stretch before as a warm up and stretch after as a cool down.
Lung effect
Much like the lake effect, the lung effect is serious. Naturally the lungs have to work harder to take in the cold air. The shock or the burn is felt because the cold foreign air is entering the warm lungs. This helps with the burning of calories and having your body work even harder. If you have seen Rocky 4 you know the benefits to running outside if you are Rocky. Ivan Drago just ran inside and look who won. Just kidding, however, running through the cold weather can help shake those winter blues, improve your energy level, and guarantee that you'll be in better shape once bathing suit season rolls around.
Rocky 4 was a movie not a documentary so know your limits. If the wind is strong, it penetrates your clothes and removes the insulating layer of warm air around you. Your movement also creates wind chill because it increases air movement past your body. If the temperature dips below zero or the wind chill is below minus 20, hit the treadmill instead.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Health industry
Scott Schwab:
I was reading an article today and found some interesting news that I thought that I would pass on to all the readers. The heatlh and nutrition industry is a 400 billion dollar industry that is only growing. The reason it got me thinking, is that I believe there are many opportunities for any of us out there. There are so many great areas of fitness and it is nice to see that there is a change happening with people being more concerned with their health. The article pointed out that the biggest contributor to this; is the baby boomers. They seem to influence everything and the economist that wrote the column was talking about the great opportunities for personal trainers, nutritionists, and vitamins and supplements. He told an interesting story that I thought that I would pass on.
Paul Zane Pilzer:
In the 1990's, I stumbled onto the wellness industry by accident. For 10 years (against medical advice), I had put off getting an expensive knee surgery. Experiencing chronic pain, I began to take a supplement-glucosamine-and within a year, the cartilage was repaired. My surgeon was positively amazed when he examined my X-rays; I no longer needed surgery.
Interestingly enough Paul has served as an economic advisor to two U.S. presidents. He is a college professor and an author of eight best selling books. I put stock into what he says when he said the wellness industry will shortly be 500 billion. The other thing I can appreciate is his story with supplements. There are so many great supplements available for people. Taking supplements is not only for meat heads and active gym goers. If we do the research we can find a world of opportunities open to us. I have personally found great results from probiotics, protein, and creatine. My goal is not to compete in Mr. Universe, but to be the healthiest that I can be. I know that it comes from balanced exercise, healthy eating habits, and supplementing. If you are not into that or have questions do the research. We have posted a lot of research on the website about the products we carry. If you have further questions please let us know, because there is an element of your life that will be improved if you take certain things. I recently became aware of something called Fibrin. It is a supplement that was created for Milan sheath repair. It is used in many situations for tissue repair with hospital patients and athletes. Another one that I believe strongly in is the super cissus Rx. We had KC Rivera post about this about a month ago. It is meant to repair damaged tissue, joints, and ligaments. He had great results and more than anything I hope we all can obtain the same results when looking to improve our lives. The website again is
On a final note; if you are looking for a field or industry to look into and you have interest in health, look at the potential you have.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The right to bare Arms
Scott Schwab
I have been designing a workout for the arms that is a sure crowd pleaser. It combines many different exercises to give you some ripped arms. Start with the philosophy that we are going to do 4 sets and 10 reps, but you will be doing 6 exercises. Remember that the point is not to lift heavy weights, it is to lift lower weights and burn those muscles. You can also mix and match these exercises on different days, if you do not feel that you can do them all in a day.
These dips will require you to get between to benches or elevated surfaces. Pretend that your body is a bridge over the two benches. It is important to take your arms and put them at the edge of the bench. Try and get your butt as low as you can to the ground and make sure your feet are steady on the bench across from you. Take a weight and place it on your thighs. As you dip you will add difficulty as you increase the weight.
This workout is awesome. Put your hands on the ground away from the wall. Get your feet up vertically on the wall so you are doing a hand stand. In the hand stand position you will walk with your hands and essentially use your feet as balance across the wall. This is extremely hard and works your entire upper body. If at the end of the 10-20 feet you really want to push it; do vertical push-ups on the wall.
Push up Curls
Grab a couple of dumbbells of medium weight difficulty and get in the push up position. The goal is for you to get into push up position and when you return to the starting position with your arms locked. You will lift the weight to your chest and while turning your body to the side you will take the dumbbell and raise it straight above your body. Your position will be on your side and arm extended at a 90degree angle.
Pull ups
Pull ups are just plain and simple. Do as many as you can and try and work up to where you can do 4 sets of 10 reps. I have also seen machines now that allow your knees to rest on pads and you set a certain weight and you are still doing pull ups. It seems effective, although I have not personally tried.
Seated Bench
This is great for your upper back, shoulders, and the biceps. You will see the bar on a rack and a seat located directly below the rack. Put on a weight lower than what you would bench. You are using different muscles and doing the other workouts you will be tired. After you lift the weight and are fully extended, bring the weight down until you almost hit the top of your chest.
This exercise is going to burn. As you move through each exercise the point is to go at as quick a pace as possible. With the curls get a curl bar that you are comfortable with and make sure you are doing the lift slow and effective. The point is not to max out on all of these lifts. It is to get lower weight so you can really have great looking, toned arms. Do the 10 reps and return to the first exercise.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Quote of the day
Scott Schwab
We have all heard some version of this quote; "When the going gets tough the tough get going." Things are hard and it is even harder to be consistent and true to what you promise. Or is it? I believe that it is your focus that turns into your lifestyle. Regardless of how you look at it, what you do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, is what you focus on. If you have bad habits, it is because you focus on them and have not to this point overcome them. That is OK, because all of us have them. The way to replace the bad, is make something good. Habits are lifestyles in waiting. Like with a workout routine, don't quite just because you have missed a day or two. Or you are not seeing the results that you want. Get to work and push it even harder, so you have no excuse for why. It is important that when you hit the wall, to climb over it or find a way around it. Some walls are 6 feet high, and others are like the great wall of China. Which can be seen from space by the way. The point is to do what you say you will do and get going because you are tough. You are successful, your beautiful and talented. Nobody can stop you, except you! Start the week off strong and finish it even stronger.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Shock me back to life
Scott Schwab:
It occurred to me yesterday as I was running errands that many of us including myself hit road blocks or plateaus in our workouts. Like with many things, we need to switch things up from time to time. When we do the same workout or the same routine day after day, our bodies become very comfortable and do not continue to respond. Though it is the most effective to have a routine,(time wise), what you do in the routine should not stay the same. As resilient as our bodies are, we must work other exercises and workouts so we can get the results that we want. Even when going to a trainer, unless they are including muscle confusion, you are wasting your time. Muscle confusion can best be explained through adaptation. As you use your muscles or do a weekly routine your muscles get used to the routine and stop progressing. The same thing goes for trying to lose weight. After your body gets used to a routine, you will burn less calories and actually use your muscles less. This is why it is important to reinvent your workout every 2 weeks. A good saying that I always adhere to, is if I am not sore, I did not work my body. Keep that in mind as you lay out your daily and weekly routines. There are many ideas on this site that you can do. Health magazines and other online sources are great. I get a lot of my ideas from I know there are running magazines and specific women's health magazines that you can link to directly from our side bar. Now that we all have some of the tools we will need, lets start with shocking the body back to life. I recommend that a person change there workout often. I also recommend that a person do a body cleanse monthly. There are some great ones listed in past posts that I would recommend trying. Doing a cleanse helps eliminate toxins that can harm the body and keep the body from doing its normal functions. When you clean all of that out, you start from scratch. Another benefit is shrinking your stomach. The truth is that we all eat to much. Our stomach is only the size of our fist. Surprisingly that is not the size it stays as we stretch it meal to meal. For any routine to be successful there has to be a lifestyle change and particularly an eating change. Starving is not a good method. Your body badly needs nutrients to keep things going. However, when it comes to shocking your body into a fat burning machine, you must start with eliminating toxins. If you are hitting a wall, do a body cleanse and start fresh with a new workout routine and goals to even work harder. You have to always be pushing yourself to the limit if you want your body to respond. So as with other blogs, it is a time to commit yourself into doing absolutely everything that you can to obtain your goals. I have become aware of a 10 day cleanse, that I have heard wonderful results from. Chandi and I are going to do it after the first of the year if anyone else is interested in participating. I am going to do some research first to make sure that it is safe and doesn't have negative effects. I do encourage everyone to find a 1-3 day cleanse to do immediately and shock your body back to life. Then look at all of the workouts and decide upon a routine for two weeks and switch it up. We also just made the blog address into a sticker for the back window of our car. If anyone wants one, we could definitely get one for you.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Focus on Progress instead of Perfection
Chandi Schwab
We all have a mental image of what we wish we were. What we want to look like,and how successful we want to be. Often times we focus so much on being perfect, or the fact that we aren't perfect, that it puts us in a slum. If your main objective is perfection, you may end up with a sense of uncertainty which is not what you want. This can result in poor confidence.
Without confidence it can be very difficult to stay on course. Think of the athlete that is having a great game until he makes a mistake, in a matter of seconds he can plummet from extreme confidence to uncertainty. Often times he will stop playing to win and start playing "Not to lose". It is so important to see yourself as something great and to continually reach for the stars. Focus on each step that you take to get there.
Focusing on your progress is a great way to gain confidence. Even when you don't get everything just right you will still feel satisfied with yourself and your momentum. Measure your progress with your lifestyle often. A great way to track your progress is by creating daily progress reports on your workouts and your meal plans. By keeping track of your workouts you can gradually intensify them and before you know it you are doing so much more than you could a few weeks previous. You can be pleased with your success which will give you the motivation to work even harder. Good Luck!!
Lower ABS: Here is an ab workout that really works the lower abs. While on your back have your hands beside you palms down to the ground slightly slid under your buns. bring your legs off the ground extended straight out in front of you. Head is slightly off the ground as well looking straight up. Make circles with both your legs circling inward(10-20 reps), then circle outward (10-20 times)You will really feel it in your legs as well.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The power of sleep
Scott Schwab:
I have been looking into the benefits of a good night sleep as it relates to health. To many times we are spending restless nights, that turn into restless days. Focusing at work seems impossible, noises just seem to get annoying, and anyone that talks to you seems to be wanting something. Does this sound familiar? Of course it does and it could be a regular or semi-regular routine for you. The goal is to stop and make some changes so that you can get the zzzzz's that you need. Having good health encourages good sleeping habits and specifically exercise helps one to sleep more soundly. The truth is as we burn energy, we will be more ready for sleep as the night sets in. There are many people who have a difficult time getting to sleep. There are others that have a hard time staying asleep, and still others that don't rest enough. A good workout or exercise can really help with exhausting the body. The short term results of getting a great workout are more energy that day. Long term effects are more energy throughout a week. Another benefit is being tired when the time comes for you to sleep. The difficult thing is there are many factors to a good night sleep. Factors such as stress, soreness, overactive bladder, etc. There are certain areas that you can control and others that you cannot. Lets start with what you can control and then expand into what you will control. The power of the mind is incredible and I am of the belief that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. It is not a secret that you draw certain things into your life. The best example I have heard, is that you draw into your life the things that you think about the most. With that being said remember that thinking positive and surrounding yourself with positivity is the way to go.
Stay busy
As it pertains to sleep, fill your day with many things. I am certainly not an advocate of doing to much or exhausting yourself, even though that seems to be the way it is sometimes. However, learn to control your thoughts and shut down your mind when it is time to sleep. Have a certain routine that your body and mind can adjust too. This is also much easier said then done. However, know that your body will thrive on consistency and familiarity.
In my opinion there is no better way to prepare for sleep then staying awake. Avoid long naps and doing nothing in the day. There are times for a little R&R, but it shouldn't be a daily activity. Make sure that when you are at the gym or in your routine that you are focused and using the time effectively. Last night I watched the 10 most influential people and the #1 spot is Michelle Obama. She said that in her busy life she once had to do her exercising at 4am so that she could have time. Though I am not saying that each of us need to get up that early; find a time that is right for you. Whether at home or at a gym do something and make it count.
Find a time or schedule when you can go to sleep. There are many things that you are doing during the day and responsibilities seem to stack up. It is known that people should get at least 8 hours in a night. That gives a person the appropriate time in the evening to go through the stages of sleep. There are 5 stages of sleep that continuously repeat themselves and each is essential. Make sure that you are avoiding interruptions as much as possible. Eliminate drinking late, so that you are interrupting your sleep patterns. Dealing with children is another, but that is a difficult one. We really got some good advice from Baby Whisperer and Baby Wise. I have included the website that I found about the stages of sleep as well as links to the books below.
It is so important for the body and mind to take time to digest the events of the day. I here many people talk about t.v. being their relax time. The problem is that many of the shows cause your mind to think in different ways and about different things and does not leave time for you to think about what happened in the day. I am not saying don't watch t.v., I am saying to limit the time and frequency. There are few programs that stimulate the mind and body like other activities. Take time before you go to sleep to think through your day and how you acted. Then think about how you could change those areas that you weren't happy with and also what you did well. The point is giving yourself time to digest, just like eating a meal and digesting your food. It takes a little time, but the benefits are well worth it.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
guest post
Erin Taylor
As a 48 year old mother of 9 children, fitness has always been important to me. When I am exercising regularly, I find am better able to meet life's challenges both on an emotional and physical level. That doesn't mean that I have always been what I have felt to be my ideal weight, in fact it seems that seldom seems to be the case these days. When I was younger, I was able to eat anything I wanted and I found that if I exercised regularly I could keep the weight off, or take the weight off as was needed. After the birth of each baby, I would start into an exercises program and would be able to get back to my normal weight in about 6 months. Well that was the first four babies. After gaining nearly 50 lbs with baby #5, I never really was able to totally get my weight back to where I had started. I have come to realize that our bodies change as we mature. What used to be the ideal weight for us is sometimes no longer feasible and wouldn't even look healthy for us. We need to re-evaluate what is best for us and set our goals accordingly. For me, the top priority is to be fit. Over the years I have tried several different programs and have come up with a kind of mix of what works best for me. A lot of what I do has been influenced by Bill Phillips "Body for Life" program.
I had heard that lifting weights is crucial to maintain bone density and muscle mass and to help us burn fat efficiently. I would go to the gym and do 12 reps of every machine and call it good. I found I was just spinning my wheels though, as I wasn't really seeing any results. I learned that doing several sets, working on specific muscle groups brings the muscle to fatigue at the point where results improve. I lift weights 3 times a week, every other day. I alternate working on upper body and lower body. With each muscle group, I start with 12 reps at weight that on a scale of 1-10 is around a 5 in my ability to lift with proper form. I wait one minute between each set. My next set will be 10 reps at a higher weight, then 8 reps at a higher weight and finally 6 reps lifting as much weight as I am able. After waiting another minute I go back down to where I was lifting the 8 or 10 reps and do 12 reps again at that weight, then switch to a different kind of lift but still in the same muscle group and do another 12 reps. This maximizes the muscle fatigue and burns the most calories throughout the day. I wait 2 minutes before going on to the next muscle group.
Waiting between reps is what has been the hardest thing for me. I am not the sit around and wait kind of gal. I have had so many people tell me that they would exercise, but they just don't have time. It's a matter of making time and scheduling your day so that it is a priority for you. What works best for me, is working with free weights at home. Making time means simply getting up a half hour earlier. On my lifting days I have my weights and my workout ball, (I use the workout ball in place of a bench) right with me in the kitchen. As I make breakfast and the kids sack lunches, I also lift weights. I set the timer for 1 minute between sets, and 2 minutes between muscle groups, and scurry around the kitchen getting the lunches and breakfast together between sets. By the time the kids come down for breakfast, I have my workout completed! On the days I do cardio, I have most of the lunches put together the night before. I get up a half hour before I have to start breakfast and in this cold weather, I work out on the eliptical machine. Twenty minutes of cardio done properly can do more good then an hour done improperly. I treat my cardio the same as lifting, doing 1 minute at a lower level of intensity and each minute increasing my intensity until at minute 5 I am working at almost full capability. Then going back to a lower intensity and each minute working back up to full intensity for another 5 minutes. This works whether you are running, swimming, doing the elyptical or what ever means of cardio you choose. It maximizes your workout.
My rules for eating are to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day, and avoid foods that are high in simple carbohydrates, and focus on proteins and complex carbs. The rule of thumb is a serving is the size of your fist. Include a protein and a complex carb like whole wheat or veggies at each meal, adding another veggie to two or three meals. I have found that if I give myself one free day per week, where I can indulge in whatever food I want, it is easier not cheat through out the rest of the week. I try to look at my week and see what is happening that week where I might want to make a certain day my free day. I eat what ever I want on that day. The other days, I just tell myself I will wait until my free day. Do I ever have weeks where I find I am having 2 or 3 free days? Of course. None of us are perfect all of the time. The important thing is to never give up. Just get back on the horse and keep on riding.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Being true to yourself
Scott Schwab:
There are many things that are beneficial to help. I wanted to touch on one imparticular. In this blog we have often stressed on things to do to increase your health and fitness. I wanted to write on one area that many times people may not think of when planning a fitness routine. When doing any routine, you must set benchmarks and rewards for yourself. There are even times when a break is necessary. In the book body for life, the author encourages a day to fudge a little. He is convinced that the body and mind need a day to make any decision that you would like. As we have encouraged, all things in moderation and use balance in making your decisions. If you do not have anytime to enjoy yourself or reward yourself you will likely not continue with the thing that you are trying to accomplish. Like the 8 week challenge that is currently going on, you need to have a day or two along the way that you can potentially take a break. For example, if I workout for 5 days hard, I may take the 6th day and take a break. It keeps me motivated and excited for the next week, or next workout. If you take that same philosophy and apply it to food that you eat, give yourself a day within a week to have something you like. Cook a nice meal, go out to dinner, or even get a dessert. The key is not to go overboard. Use discretion and take the reward as it applies to your overall goal. By taking these breaks or rewards, you will actually find yourself having better results and giving your body and mind a needed break. The break or reward should not last for longer than a day and remember keep the goal in mind. Body for life has some great points and advice on how to have the healthy lifestyle. I have included the website so you can check out the site.
We will also have a guest blogger tomorrow named Erin Taylor. She is a mom of 9 and has always been passionate about health and fitness. She has accomplished so much in her life and her greatest focus has been her family and children. Please welcome with me Erin tomorrow as our guest blogger.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Ultimate workout
Scott Schwab
I have been doing some personal observing and have found that there are many workouts that are out there. There are some that are effective and those that are not. Basically it comes down to how many calories are you burning and is it working your muscles. As I have done one particular workout each week, I have seen results and really felt more burn in my muscles then days that I do other workouts. Swimming is the workout, and really it is no secret. We have posted before on the benefits of swimming and I thought that I would revisit some of the benefits.
Swimming helps the repairing process faster and more completely than other rehab forms. One of the most famous examples of an athlete who used swimming to speed a recovery is the runner, Mary Slaney. After suffering an injury to her Achilles tendon, Slaney trained only in the water for three weeks. Less than a week after returning to land-based exercise, she set a world record in the 1000 meters. You may not set a world record, but it is a great way to bounce back quickly and build muscles that aren't used with regular land based exercise. Tendons and ligaments are heavily used during swimming. However, the low-impact nature allows people of all ages to participate.
There are very few workouts that can give you the benefits of a good swim. We have already established that the resistance is like no other. 768 times the amount of resistance that you will get through the air. The heart and respiratory rates are elevated higher than other exercises and thus improves the overall health faster and more effectively than other land based exercises.
Strength Training
Swimming will work every muscle in your body. It can be used very effectively when introduced as a full body workout. If you are doing the crawl most often in swimming try and switch it up to other strokes to work all areas of your body. Swimming has the ability to build very toned and strong, sexy looking muscles. It is a great form of weight loss because of the amount of muscles that you are using. Remember that when you are weight training you are burning fat in high amounts.
Note: If you are not a swimmer do not worry. I had to take a swimming class in college and my nickname as set by my teacher was shamu. She said that I was one of the worst swimmers that she had met. We could not understand that I would sink as I would do my strokes. Well not everyone is meant to be like Michael Phelps, but it is a great workout and very few swimmers that I have seen are not healthy.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Quote of the day
Scott Schwab
We were unable to write on Saturday due to us being in Idaho for a funeral. Chandis great grandma passed away and we went to her funeral in Buhl Idaho. She was nearly 102 and lived a phenomenal life. Hearing the talks at her funeral gave me a perspective that I wanted to pass on.
"Live each day as it was your last." Unknown
We never know when our time will be up, however; lets not use this as an excuse to live recklessly. This is more of a reason to live in a way to where we can get the fullest from sun up to sun down. Living healthy helps us to enjoy our lives and get the most out of everyday. Apply this quote to all areas of your life and you will start living in a different way that will be liberating. The best part to Blanche Maxine Williams, is what she passed on. She passed on a legacy and a life that all of us shared and will benefit from.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Scott Schwab-
In thinking about the muscles of the body and there importance and role in everyday life, I believe that all are equally important. However; if we break down the responsibilities of the muscle groups, the muscles that control your gate, posture, and ultimately confidence would surely be considered. I am speaking of the muscles of the back. Many times people spend a lot of time with Bench. I am always asked by guys, "well how much can you bench." Well honestly it doesn't matter. Personally I do not max out. I want to tone and lean my appearance and bulking is just not in the equation. I learned from a sports trainer back in the day, that you have to equally work your front as you do your back. The two muscle groups that I think have the biggest impact on how you look at feel, is your core and your back. Now for a lesson on backlash. If we do not spend time toning and strengthening our back muscles we will notice as the year go on a ball forming in the mid section. The belly forms from many ways, but one of the biggest is lack of nutritional eating and exercise. If we work our back it will keep our shoulders strong and pushed back. This encourages good posture, which has a direct correlation to confidence. Confidence is conscious and subconscious. If we look in the mirror and see our selves slouching and an appearance that we are not happy with, it can and will affect all areas of our life. Confidence is based on feeling, but also on look and appearance. It is true that we can be happy with whatever the look, and remember that there is no perfect size. However, you know your body better than anyone, and you know when you have looked your best. If you look in the mirror and do not see your best, it can have a discouraging affect. So with that said there is a focus that needs to take place with the back and also the core. We have talked about the importance of working the core, and that I believe that it is a muscle group that you can work everyday. The back needs to be worked a couple of times in a week at least. Again as you are strengthening the back muscles it naturally pulls your chest muscles and abs upwards. It will give you more of a elongated appearance and help with the posture. A couple of tips that will help get your sexy back, no pun intended.
The five exercises that I think are the best for a back workout are; push ups, pulls ups, dips, rows and shruggs.
Push ups and pull ups you are working against the weight that you naturally have on your body. If you want to increase the challenge increase the weight or angle. Push ups become increasingly difficult as you elevate your feet, spread your arms further apart, or both. Pull ups are great when you can add a weight between your feet and hold it there or wrist or ankle weights.
Dips have a similar advantage. If you put your feet up on a bench you will increase the difficulty. Also it is great when you can put a weight on your legs to increase the weight and therefore increase the difficulty.
Rows are wonderful because they absolutely work the entire back and especially the lower back which correlates to the strength of the core. If you have a weak lower back you likely have a weaker abdominal section and vice versa. Put a comfortable weight on lock your legs. It is important not to get a lot of weight so you are being pulled back hard to the weight machine. Comfortable weight so you are in control.
Shurgs can be done with dumbbells or a curl bar. Again it is important to have a weight that you are in control of. The slower the better I always say. I also like to implement reverse shrugs so that I am doing both directions and getting a full range of motion. Finally I recommend the magic numbers being 4 sets and 10 reps. Move quickly between the four so that you get your heart rate up and therefore will burn more calories.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Everything in Moderation
Chandi Schwab
I have been meaning to respond to a comment made awhile back from one of our readers Liz. She asked if I ever cheat with my eating. Here is my answer...I strongly believe in everything in moderation when it comes to dieting. That is what works for me. This is not necessarily what works for everyone else though. Many people enjoy raw foods, being a vegetarian, low carb diets,etc... whatever it may be, they find that it works for them. I have always been a big eater and appreciator of food. I remember being 8 yrs. old and telling my aunt that I could eat 8 slices of pizza just like my age. Fortunately back then my metabolism was much higher and unfortunately I didn't care about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.(what kid does?)These days I guess you could say I pretty much follow the food pyramid. I try to always make the healthier choice and to be creative with my snacking.There are plenty of delicious healthy snacks out there.
Now back to the big question. Do i cheat? I can't call it cheating because I think it is important to enjoy lives indulgences. Some people don't, and are amazing for being able to stay away. I have some guidelines that I go by. Not always, but usually if I am offered a dessert when we are visiting people I partake.I feel like they went through the effort of making it and it could be rude to decline.(great reasoning right?) Holidays are always a free day, and other than that I just use my judgement, such as special occasions, get togethers, or if it has just been one of those days. The important thing is to always get right back on track. My normal everyday lifestyle is very health conscious, but especially since I workout almost everyday, I feel like that gives me some wiggle room. Hopefully that answers your question Liz!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Transform Adversity into Energy
Chandi Schwab
I am currently reading Body for Life and Love it by the way. I got the book from my mom over Thanksgiving. There is a segment on Transforming Adversity into Energy that I really appreciated. I will summarize it for you. See what you think.
Picture all aspects of your life coming together.You have successfully transformed your patterns of action and are moving forward with all of your goals. You are looking better each week. That stubborn belly fat is melting away and muscle is forming in its place. You are well on your way to a better life. You feel unstoppable until...the "unexpected" happens. Adversity strikes. You are blindsided by a bad hit.
These hits can come from any direction. Maybe an injury that makes it difficult to excercise. The loss of your job or a failed business venture. An illness, the end of a relationship, or worst of all a personal tragedy. Adversity hits all of us at some point or many points in our lives. It can often times send us into a whirlwind where one thing after another doesn't go our way.
Unfortunately we can't always prevent misfortune. But what we can do is expect adversity as an inevitable part of life. It is through our misfortunes that we grow. Those who succeed despite adversity become an inspiration.
As hard as it may be it is crucial to evaluate ourselves when adversity strikes. Mentally prepare the steps needed to turn a negative situation into a postive one. When you look at adversity this way you realize misfortune can be a bridge, not a barricade, to greater achievements. this will also create an immediate boost of energy that is perfect for going out and getting exercise. It is a beautiful cycle because people who exercise are generally happy. So, when adversity strikes don't let it stop you!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Honor Self Promises
Chandi Schwab
It is very important to promise yourself you will finish what you start, no matter what. That vow, although it may be easy to break, is by far one of the most important ones to honor. The very essence of confidence is self trust. Would you trust anyone who repeatedly lied to you? Someone who broke the rules of the game again and again? Of course not. It is easy to slip into patterns of not honoring promises that we have made to ourselves. If we can't honor,trust,and depend on our own word it will result in many challenges. For example...I love to run outside, but I am not a big fan of the treadmill. I have made a promise to myself that I will run at least 2 miles on the treadmill while at the gym. No one else knows about this promise but I hold myself accountable and make my self do it no matter what. Sure it is only 2 miles but it really makes a difference. Try this in your workouts. Make promises and goals for yourself and don't let yourself down. After all, if we are not true to ourselves, what is our significance and self worth? Keep up the great work!
Workout tip:Bench Dips:(These are great for triceps)Stand with your back to a sturdy bench or chair.Bend your legs and place your hands on the front edge of the bench.Position your feet in front of you so most of your body weight is resting on your arms.Keep your elbows tucked against your sides,bend your arms and slowly lower your body until your upper arms are parallel with the floor.Your hips should drop straight down.Straiten your arms to return to starting position.
Nutritional tip:Hopefully you have all been making shakes(with protein powder).Here is a little tip.You can throw veggies in for added nutrients.Try spinach, kale, or carrots, you won't even notice taste wise.
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