Saturday, December 19, 2009

Junky makes you Trunky

Chandi Schwab:
This is a post to remind us all that, though this time of year is so much fun with a lot of great things to eat, we need to be selective and do our best to stay out of the vicious trap. Eating sweets and junk food can put us into a brutal cycle. Once we start our bodies crave it, then we don't feel good, then we feel like we need more to gain temporary energy. Believe me, I speak from experience. I also find that when I eat bad I am useless. All I want to do is sit around and eat more or take a nap, leaving me very unproductive for the day. And the next day...i have no desire to go work out. Don't get me wrong I think the holidays are a time to enjoy sweet indulgences, but be careful because taking just 1 can lead to eating 5. Before you delve in, decide whether or not you really want it. Then eat it slowly and enjoy each bite. Try washing it down with a full glass of water or fat free milk to help keep you full. Wait at least 15 minutes and I am pretty sure you won't want more. You will be satisfied. It takes about that long for your body to realize this. Keep up the great work and keep on working out!!

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