Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Health industry

Scott Schwab:
I was reading an article today and found some interesting news that I thought that I would pass on to all the readers. The heatlh and nutrition industry is a 400 billion dollar industry that is only growing. The reason it got me thinking, is that I believe there are many opportunities for any of us out there. There are so many great areas of fitness and it is nice to see that there is a change happening with people being more concerned with their health. The article pointed out that the biggest contributor to this; is the baby boomers. They seem to influence everything and the economist that wrote the column was talking about the great opportunities for personal trainers, nutritionists, and vitamins and supplements. He told an interesting story that I thought that I would pass on.
Paul Zane Pilzer:
In the 1990's, I stumbled onto the wellness industry by accident. For 10 years (against medical advice), I had put off getting an expensive knee surgery. Experiencing chronic pain, I began to take a supplement-glucosamine-and within a year, the cartilage was repaired. My surgeon was positively amazed when he examined my X-rays; I no longer needed surgery.
Interestingly enough Paul has served as an economic advisor to two U.S. presidents. He is a college professor and an author of eight best selling books. I put stock into what he says when he said the wellness industry will shortly be 500 billion. The other thing I can appreciate is his story with supplements. There are so many great supplements available for people. Taking supplements is not only for meat heads and active gym goers. If we do the research we can find a world of opportunities open to us. I have personally found great results from probiotics, protein, and creatine. My goal is not to compete in Mr. Universe, but to be the healthiest that I can be. I know that it comes from balanced exercise, healthy eating habits, and supplementing. If you are not into that or have questions do the research. We have posted a lot of research on the website about the products we carry. If you have further questions please let us know, because there is an element of your life that will be improved if you take certain things. I recently became aware of something called Fibrin. It is a supplement that was created for Milan sheath repair. It is used in many situations for tissue repair with hospital patients and athletes. Another one that I believe strongly in is the super cissus Rx. We had KC Rivera post about this about a month ago. It is meant to repair damaged tissue, joints, and ligaments. He had great results and more than anything I hope we all can obtain the same results when looking to improve our lives. The website again is
On a final note; if you are looking for a field or industry to look into and you have interest in health, look at the potential you have.

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