Wednesday, December 30, 2009

8 week challengers

Scott Schwab:
I wanted to take a brief moment to introduce a couple of the 8 week challengers. For the most part people are doing very well and keeping with it. Great work. We already are hearing of people who want to join the next 8 week challenge. I have looked into the diet from the standpoint of being able to continue normal activity and exercise. It seems that there is a focus on allowing your body to eliminate the toxins and waist. You will not be starving yourself, you are simply going without food and there is a difference. You will be getting a lot of natural sugars from the lemonade mixture. However, let your body be your guide. If you start feeling uneasy, stop the exercise and take a break. However, this should not effect your normal routine, but you may want to take it a little easier just to be sure. You definitely do not want to run a marathon.
Zachary Taylor
To start off I think I chose the wrong time of the year to do an 8 week challenge, but it has worked out ok so far. I actually have had the opportunity to work out with Brad Lau who was the starting fullback for BSU during the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. He has helped me work out areas of muscle in my body I never knew existed, which has been painful but rewarding. I haven’t been as consistent as I wanted to be, again because of the holiday season, but I think I am already seeing some good results. I am trying to focus on my shoulders, pecks, arms, and stomach. This butterfly work out Brad has me doing has killed my shoulders which is a good thing, and he has also shown me different work outs that if you wanna feel the burn on your arms and pecks, it is money! Scott has posted a new 10 day eating habit specialty, which I am eager to try out that is supposed to help cut you into lean muscle. I need to keep pushing this next month, and do better to see some success for this 8 week challenge.
KC Rivera
So a quick update of the progress of the eight week challenge. I and a couple of buddies started the program P90X right around the same time that this challenge came out so that has been our daily workout. So far I have loved yet hated every minuet of it (I mean hate in a good way.) I set a few goals to start out with, they were challenging and yet very attainable. First off I didn’t want to miss a day of the program; it is set up to work a different part of the body every day with staggered higher and lower intensity workouts throughout each week. So far this goal has been met, despite the holidays I have not missed a day, each session is between an hour and an hour and a half. Second I bit the bullet and finally gave up soda, not that it’s going to kill you or anything but there is not a single shred of good in it!! I’ve been soda free for over a month! (I feel like I was in rehab) My third goal seemed easy but trust me for a broke, starving, time lacking college student it was tough. I committed to give up fast food, with an average of two or three burgers a week and at least two hot and ready pizzas my diet was less than ideal… However with the high activity level that I sustain this didn’t seem so bad, I felt like I could get away with eating that kind of stuff and still stay fit, which I did to a certain extent. Once the diet changed and I still maintained a high level of activity, my body reacted in an amazing way. I immediately started seeing more tone in my muscles, granted they had always been there but now they are starting to show. I also noticed an increase in my overall energy level, my afternoon naps have disappeared from my normal daily schedule. P90X has not been easy every day but it is challenging and new. I think one of the biggest things that the program taught me and that I will always do from here on out is WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN!!!!! For each workout I keep a record of how many reps I did and what the weight was that I used. This has so many advantages, first off it lets you know if you are improving and doesn’t allow you to dog it or quite on something when last week you were able to do 4 more then; why not this week? Also it’s very satisfying to note that when I started I could only do 6 to 8 pull-ups, (I know pathetic right) now I can rattle off 18 to 20 every time. To see that I can do the same amount of reps but with a greater amount of weight is great for the confidence I recommend this to everyone, keep track of what you’re doing. Combine all this with a great supplement (I use a product by Myogenix called After shock strength and recovery) and there is no way you can’t reach your goals. This is my progress so far hope everyone is working hard and having fun with this challenge. Until next time.

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