Sunday, October 25, 2009

Superfoods for Women

Chandi Schwab
There are many superfoods that are important for both men and women alike. These are healthy food choices for both. However, where women are more suseptible to certain diseases; women have nutrient needs that are unique to us. Granted, eating healthy is not just about eating a handful of foods. It is about your entire eating lifestyle. That said, there are a few foods that are super, packing in their fair share of nutrients. Many of which lower women's risk for disease such as breast cancer or heart disease which will help prolong our lives. Other benefits to these nutrient packed foods are keeping our minds sharp while looking and feeling better. What more can we ask for? Keep these foods in mind next time you go to the grocery store.
List of Superfoods
• Salmon (use in salads or by itself with a sweet potato and broccoli
• Spinach (make salads with spinach and berries with a light vinaigrette)
• Berries
• Wheat germ(great for garnishing salads,entrees,and even breads and muffins)
• Tomato paste(mix with seasonings and eat it over whole wheat pasta)
• Nonfat yogurt (eat with berries or in smoothies. in place of sour cream)
• Sweet potatoes (goes well with many meats)
• Oranges (Perfect for when you have a sweet tooth or morning when you wake up)
• Old-fashioned oatmeal (Yummy with berries over it and plain yogurt)
• Curry (Great little spice to add to chicken or other dishes)
• Ginger (great in stir fry)
• Black beans (perfect for soups or dips or on whole wheat tortillas)
• Fresh herbs (Great for adding flavor to any meal)
• Dark chocolate(Helps satisfy your sweet tooth while being rich in antioxidants)*lean red meats

1 comment:

  1. Chandi, I love your post. You always have such a great idea for the posts. I will definately keep these in mind when shopping. Are the benefits equvialent for men and children? Tell the family hello.
