Monday, October 12, 2009

Is exercise making you gain weight

Scott Schwab
I read an interesting article this weekend in Time. It was a controversial article that did not support what I personally believe about exercise. It actually challenged everything that I believe and have learned. However, it was very interesting and I see some truth with it. You can find the article in the August 9, 2009 issue of the Time Magazine. I will also post the article so that you can view it online:,8599,1914857,00.html

The reason that I was able to find some truth from the article, is that I have found myself saying, "I worked out this morning so I can eat this, or do that". Actually this attitude is very debilitating. It weakens us from our mind and flows through our body. All of our motivation starts from a thought, or will power produced by a desire which originates in the brain. It occurred to me that no matter how hard people will exercise, at times people see little to no results. I personally believe that exercise is essential and helps the process of weight loss and health move faster. The article points out some great things and should be read. I do have some tips that can prevent us from falling into the category of getting little to nothing out of our workouts.
Muscle Confusion
A proven step in getting great results. The ability to adjust your workout week in and week out, will get you leaner and help keep your workouts stimulating. Remember that it is important what you think about your workout from the mind perspective. You will always have more success when you are enjoying your workout and possibly even having fun. You will get to the point where you will crave the gym and not dread being there. This comes from consistency and changing things up.
Will Power
You have to resist those urges. The article points out a group of women who after their workout, head to Starbucks to meet over muffins and coffee. The article points out that the muffin and coffee, eliminate everything that was done at the gym. The point is not to stop exercising, but to exercise smart and then have the will power to turn off cravings, or at least control them. Great news, you are stronger and more powerful than any inanimate object.
Portion Control
Of anything you do this is most essential. You can spend all day at the gym, but if you eat like a pig, you will not see great results. The fact is; we have to have some self control and determine for ourselves what we should eat and how much and when. All of our bodies are different, but you usually know what things your body has a hard time digesting or responding to. Keep it natural and avoid processed foods as much as possible. There is a trigger in your brain called the hypothalamus; this regulates through nerves when you are full. However, it does not kick on until 10-15 minutes after you have started eating. Slow down, it is not a race and you are just stretching your stomach more and more each meal. Drink water and spend time chewing your food. The general rule is to chew your food 20 times before starting digestion. I know that it is hard with our time schedules and lunch breaks, but if we plan, we rarely fail.

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