Monday, October 19, 2009

Moving forward

Scott Schwab
Apologies for missing the past two days. We have had an interesting weekend to say the least. Our little girl who is 5 months couldn't move her left arm after, your truly, almost dropped her. I caught her by the arm and it turns out that it was probably just dislocated or sprained. If that was the only event I would have called it a successful weekend, but we had our little 2 year old boy into the doctor for double ear infection and the 24 hour flu. It has now passed through the entire family except our 5 month old, which I hope she does not get the flu. As I laid there in my vomit last night, just kidding, but you can imagine. I thought about how sickness can really eliminate all energy and make you feel like you wish you could crawl into a hole and hibernate. However, life is too demanding and requires too much from its participants. I will not be working out today, because there is a war going on in my body. My immune system is fighting a fight that largely depends on when and how fast I can make it back. A few tips to get you back in the game and moving forward.
Our bodies are rejuvenated and replenished with energy, life, and health as we sleep. When a person is sick, they will do better to take a day and completely rest and relax, rather than carrying on their normal activities and dragging the sickness on.
It is very important to get vitamins into the body and start the repair cycle. Vitamin C is great and will help the body as well as many others designed to repair and assist the immune system.
Eating and drinking
When the body is having problems keeping things in your belly, it is important to eat foods that are natural and can give you some sustenance. Avoid sugars and definitely processed foods. Crackers are good, Wheaties's, and other whole grained foods will usually stay down easier than others foods. Slowly introduce fruit and veggies, where they have essential nutrients to aid in the repairing process. Possibly one of the best things is to eat anything plentiful in anti-oxidants.
There are mixed feelings about how to medicate, what to take, and dosage of medicine. Most doctors will tell you that if it messes with your natural pattern of sleeping, eating, daily tasks, etc; you should probably take something that will speed the process. I have also learned that when taking an anti-biotic, that we should also be taking a pro-biotic. There are good bacteria that our bodies need to stay healthy and keep toxins from taking over our body. Antibiotics will just go through and kill all the bacteria. A Pro-biotic will build up the body by keeping the good bacteria alive and working for you. If you have never taken a pro-biotic, consult a doctor, but once you take it you will notice how much quicker you will be back to normal and actually feeling better than you remember before you were sick.

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