Friday, September 11, 2009

The ultimate workout

Scott Schwab
I think that I may have found the ultimate workout. I was on the verge of throwing up the entire second half, but now that everything has settled I feel great. Some of you may think that it is weird to be on the verge of throwing up and enjoying it, but that is where my most effective workouts come from. You will start and cycle through almost every muscle group. Some exercises you will use multiple groups and that is fine. I started with regular curls with a curl bar. You will want to take the curl bar and do the 10 reps with hands open towards you and then flip your hands so that your hands closed and looking at your knuckles. You will do 10 reps and then lift the curl bar over your head. You will bring the weight down slow behind your head as low as you can get it and lift all the way up as high as you can get it and then down in front of your face at chest level. You will do a total of 20 reps or 10 in front of your face and 10 behind your head. Cycle in an ab so you have a little time to rest. I used the machine that has foot rests for you to elevate your feet and handles so you can pull your upper body towards your elevated feet. I do a set of 10 with my feet on the ground, a set at the lower foot rest, a set at the higher foot rest, and a set with my feet elevated above the foot rests. Turn to your side and do 20 reps on both sides. Your body is turned and you are laying on your side for these. After you work through this set you will move to the pull-up multi weight system. Do 10 reps and 4 sets of pull-ups and remember if you don't finish, take a break and finish the reps that you didn't. After the pull-ups move into the weights on either side. I would do a back workout, like taking the pulleys on either side and pulling them forward and in front of you for 10 reps and 4 sets. Then move into a tricep/shoulder workout, by taking the single handle and switching to both arms. Stand straight and pull the pulley with the weights straight down. Do both arms and then move the weights all the way to the bottom of the latches. This way you are working your biceps and arm in a different way. Same philosophy with standing straight up and pulling the single handle up towards your chest 10 reps and 4 sets.
After this brief stint with death, you will move into the spider crawls. This is to get next to a wall and do a hand stand. You will use your arms to walk across about a 20 foot area. Keep your feet up on the wall for balance and be as straight up as possible, so as to avoid a back injury. After you do your spider crawls immediately move into push ups. Do the triangle push ups that will work the arms and the inner chest. After your 10 reps, jump up and do sprints. At the gym we go to they have a full length basketball court which I sprint one way and jog back to the starting point and do it again. After this madness you will finish with 100 sit ups or crunches, which ever is more beneficial for you. If anyone can legitimately finish this work out straight through with all your reps and sets in 1 try I will personally pay you a 20 spot. Tape yourself doing it and we will post it on the blog. It's finally Friday so have a good weekend.

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