Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quote of the day

Scott Schwab

The quote for the day will begin with a story and finish with a story. In a land far away there was a man that used to sit outside the city gates and bid travelers well while tending to his sheep. On one occasion he was observed by a younger man, who was also taking care of his sheep. A traveler came and asked the older man what he might find in the city behind the gates. The man would welcome the question with another question; tell me of the city that you came from? The first traveler had said the city was wonderful and the people kind. The old man replied, then you will find the same here. A little later another traveler passed the man and asked; what might I find in the city behind the gates? The same response and question came, and the second traveler answered that the city that he came from was dirty, the people closed and rude. The old man replied, that the second traveler would probably find the same within the walls of the city. Upon seeing the differing answers; the younger Shepard approached the man. He inquired how the same answer could produce completely differing answers? The man smiled and told the Shepard, that people generally find similar conditions of those that they found themselves before. The Shepard pressed further, to which the old man said people are creatures of habits and will usually surround themselves with the same people that they did elsewhere. To me, this story represents the ability to find what you are looking for, not what you are used to. If you are the type of person that wants more out of life, commit yourself and go and find it. Work for it and never be a person to settle for that which you want most. There is a good quote that I found from a motivational blog site and a good friend runs it. There goal is to post motivational material that can help people everyday. Check out the blog, it is great and can give some material to help all of our lives. Here is the site; Here is the quote from Abe Lincoln, "most folks are about as happy as the make up their minds to be." With that said, explore what you are looking for and then go and get it. Decide to be happy and make that your life's work. Some of you may have seen the following story of a women who dreamed and had made the decision to be happy. Enjoy your weekend.

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