Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Goal Setting

Scott Schwab

For people to have success in the world of diet and exercise; I believe that there is a need for outside knowledge. What I mean by this is, that for us to be successful we need to understand a couple of things about ourselves and what we can expect from ourselves. Unfortunately quiting is as much of a habit as smoking. It's destructive nature is always looming and urging us to quit. It is human nature to resist change and to take the easy road. Furthermore, we live in a time where we want results quickly and with minimal effort. The current generation is at times referred to as the now generation. We have access to all information at the touch of our fingertips at the speed of lightning. We have fast food and microwaves that take away from waiting for our food. All of these and other inventions are great and I am not criticizing them. However, I will say that the odds are stacked against a person looking to start a diet or maintain a healthy nutrition plan. The number one thing that we must establish is goals. Goal setting is a process and there are great articles available about the most effective ways to set goals. I will share the process that I go through, but know there is a plethora of ideas and strategies. First I look at the thing that I want to do. I take it into my mind and begin to think of the best ways to overcome the odds, this way I am prepared when they arise. I also spend time trying to visualize the best way that I think to do what I want to do, so I have a clear picture of my expectations. Finally I take a picture of where I am and where I want to be. For example if I wanted to look like the characters from the movie 300, I would first research what odds would stand in my way to being consistent and completing my goal. The second thing that I would do is research and get the information available to me so that I follow a path or a plan. I would set the goal and know the expectations. Finally I would take a picture of what I look like, and also what I want to look like at the end of my goal. It may seem a little weird, but we can accomplish goals faster and easier when we have a clear mental and even physical picture. Hang the picture of what you want to look like on the mirror in your bathroom so that you have the motivation when you are in front of the mirror and you will see it multiple times in a day. The other key to obtaining a goal, is to repeat it to yourself many times through the day and course of the goal. Our bodies respond to vibrations and energy around us. You must say the goal out load this way recognizing to yourself and your body that you have a goal set and you have it in your mind and by saying it aloud the rest of your body can be on board. This may sound a little weird, but trust me, you have nothing to lose. Getting the goal into your subconscious is the goal. This way you don't even think about the goal, you just act. This way you don't have to struggle as much when you are tempted to quit, or take a break; because you have clear expectations and know the importance of your goal. The before picture that is taken is simply a way to notice the changes and give you motivation through the process. I would look at the picture when you need a pick up or motivation for where you eventually want to be.

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