Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wake UP Smoothie

Chandi Schwab

This one is a new discovery for me. I love to drink this before I go to the gym. It gives me great energy without weighing me down. And when I come home I will eat oatmeal or something with more substance to fuel my muscles. I love the fresh citrus taste and that nice wake up zing. Why not start your day with healthy goodness?!


-1 Lime

-1 handful of kale

-1 1/2 cups distilled water or water of your choice

-Handful of frozen strawberries or fresh and add ice

-1 tablespoon Wheat Germ (Fresh and kept in refrigerator)

- 1 tbsp. honey

-1 tablespoon flaxseed (optional)

-1 banana (optional... makes it creamier)


1) Put water into the blender

2) Cut ends off of the lime and quarter it. Toss it in skin and all. Blend it up by itself or with a couple of ice cubes. Strain out the pulp and put the liquid back into the blender.

3) Add strawberries, kale, flaxseed, banana if you want, and honey.

4) Sprinkle wheat germ on top and serve

Here is why it is so good for you:)

Lime-Skin care, better digestion, relief of constipation, eye care, helps with respiratory disorders, ulcers, and urinary disorders,  healthier gums, and also aids in weight loss.

Kale-Aids in digestion, antioxidant, anti-Inflammatory, cardiovascular support, detoxifying, High in vitamins K, A and C.

Strawberries- Dietary fiber, Antioxidants, healthy eyes, vigorous vitamin C, and Bone health

Wheat Germ-Full of nutrients and fatty acids, full of fiber, High in protein and low Glycemic index.

Honey- Rich in nutrition, full of antioxidants, aids in digestion, natural energy high

Banana- High in dietary fiber, lowers blood pressure, bone health, nutrient absorber, helps reduce depression, high in Iron, stress reducers(potassium helps normalize heart beat) heartbeat.

Flaxseed- Fights diabetes, constipation, inflammation, heart disease, menopausal symptoms, and "The Blues"


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