Monday, June 11, 2012

Scott Schwab:

Day 1:
Today is the first official day of the challenge. At this point there are a couple of things that we should be doing. None of them require stressing. Habits are important, and it only takes 21 days to create a habit, which then can be changed into a lifestyle. Diets do not exist, lifestyle changes really work. Here are a couple of things that can help you get short term and long term results.

1) Avoid sugar drinks and sodas- We dont realize how many calories we consume by drinking speciality drinks and sodas. The rule of thumb is to replace all drinks with water.
2) Drink at least 64 oz of water per day- That is 8 glasses, or for better results, take your weight and divide it by two.
3) Avoid eating processed foods- Life really can be lived without fast food and other restraunts that cook our food in products that are not the best. Also the preparation of the food really matters.
4) Plan ahead, make a plan- Making a plan is about setting realistic goals that will work for our current lifestyle. Remember, that anything is possible with a little hard work and planning.
5) Fuel your body- Our bodies do not respond well to starvation. We need to eat the right foods at the right times. Ideally we should be eating 6 meals per day and not 3 monster meals. Again with a little planning this is achievable.

* Challengers, lets get your goals and pre pictures in so that we can start posting. Look for helpful posts on exercise and workout ideas as well as healthy recipes and hints to beat cravings. You are strong and you can do anything that you set your mind to and work for!

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